Wants and Needs

Dec 01, 2010 14:46

I needed to put together a list of things that I want out of a man.

I want someone who isn’t afraid to spend time with me and that can cook occasionally.

I want someone that likes to walk as well as riding their bike, but can understand that both are necessary.

I want someone who is interested in the overall urban fabric but understands the haunting beauty of the prairie.

I need someone that will listen and ask questions and can recognize how fucking smart I am.

I want someone to get lost with, and will find me when I need them most.

I want a man that can work with his hands but can sit patiently at the theatre.

I want someone that doesn’t care if I play in the mud all day, and want a bubble bath and a massage that night.

I want someone that understands that I don’t want to be changed, that I am passionate and will approach life illogically.

I need someone that will understand the importance of trying to jump over every puddle on the way home, or to find the way walking only on the cracks.

I want someone I can do sweet things for and will appreciate them.

I need someone who will fuck me like a whore but still seduce me as though I were a virgin.

I want someone who I can sit and listen to records with, then will read to me until I fall asleep.

I need someone that understands when I want to peek over the edge, but will catch me if I begin to fall.

I want someone who will brush the air out of my face and kiss me in the rain.

I need someone that understands when I need to be quiet, and when I need to sing out loud.

I want someone that knows I can protect myself, but still lets me feel soft and safe in his arms.

I want.

And I need.
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