Creative Juice

Nov 24, 2009 19:05

So inspired. Saw a show last night that used shadow puppetry and projections, nifty art pieces and movement. I am so inspired to start playing with my own, I almost wish I didn't have a show to go to tonight.

Note to self; I need to track down the old slides and slide projector, hopefully my sister still has that. Maybe Bean does, either way, should be gettable.

I want to go through some of my old negatives, tissue papers, gel samples and ink. I think my window will be used as a canvas on which to create, maybe I can do something about the other windows in this place. I want to change the light fixture in my room so it will diffuse more light over a larger surface.

I also want to create a map that they inspired me to create. A cognitive map superimposed over a plain ordinary street map, with architectural drawings and colours, key features, a personal birds eye rendering through my own eyes. Huge project, but it would be so awesome. How to do it on a large legible scale...

Also, a crow puppet, I want to make it fly.

That and writing the earth, awesome little project, having so much fun with it but perturbed by the attention I have been able to put towards it lately which has been precious little.

Soon I will be into finals again and then the semester will be over and I will be free to pursue all the multitude of things I have been wanting to tackle for some time now.

Creative juice overload...I love it.
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