no, not a pony. just a little hoarse.

Apr 09, 2007 19:10

I hope everyone is doing well. Those of you who I know aren't, well, I love you anyway. Those of you who are, well good on ya! It is now, officially, the Waldmanian Weekend (different only chronologically from the Liranian Weekend) and boy, do I need a break! I am almost completely without a voice right now. Between work (Hello!ThankyouforcallingSamAsh,homeofthe60daylowpriceguarantee,thisisNancy,howcanIdirectyourcall? Fifty-bazillion times a day!)and rocking it out at the Moossa shows, my vocal chords have quit. And, I'm still trying to kick that terrible head cold that was so persistant about moving into my chest and giving me a helluva time. But, I hope after my two days off, I'll be able to get back up to my usual dulcet tones. Besides, Moossa doesn't have another gig until next week, so all should be good.

The job: I still show up, but after I do my taxes, I'll be updating my resume and most likely lying so that I can get a better paying job somewhere. I work too damn hard to bring home less for a month than I was making bi-weekly at the last hellish job. I can't live on that shit, man.

I can't wait for Moossa to get back into the recording studio. I'm just itching to get behind the mike and sing for the new album. And, of course, to see me some sexy, sexy Lance. I lurve him! I can't help it. It was lurve at first sight. And he calls me Mama. How hot is that?!

What? You think it's creepy? Not the way he says it, it ain't!

I must read and catch up on your goings on now. And maybe I should at least get started on the taxes tonight. And the dishes. And the vacuuming. And the dog brushing and medicine giving. Etc, etc, etc. *sigh* Maybe I'll just sack out and watch TV. :)

voice, job, stuff, moossa

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