Jan 15, 2007 00:08
Tonight was my staff post xmas party and it took place at Yonge and Eglinton. My co-workers and I met up at our managers house and put on white tank tops, black mini skirts and tube socks and went in as the cheerleaders from Bring it On. I called "Big Red" obviously. We sneaked in and then made a huge entrance cheering and did a cheer in front of everyone. It was hilarious and embarassing.....and awesome. The we proceeded to drink and dance and eat free food. One girl came as JT in the Dick in a Box video. There was an Ali G and another guy dressed as Borat.
Overall I was really happy I went and really happy my friend Mina now works for the company she made it alot more fun.
So in the end I got a free black American Apparel mini skirt and got to make an ass out of myself.
Good times.