I'm ready to begin....

Dec 08, 2006 05:41

I have officially completed my week from hell and sit here triumphant. I have one exam and an essay but thats baby stuff compared to what I've been up to lately. This weekend I have so many exciting things happening.

1. Friday: My friends Matt and Martha's birthday bash with all my friends from school
2. Sunday: Constance Margret Ball where I plan on dancing up a storm in my lovely vintage strapless dress...which I need to have dry cleaned tomorrow

Tonight I worked with Claire(director) and Alex(male lead) from the movie thing I'm doing choreography for and it went so well. The director seems genuinely impressed with me and the quality of work I'm producing. The male lead also seemed really into what we were doing and felt like it all worked well. Claire and I proceeded to get thai food and all was well in the universe.

Oh and yesterday during a study break I managed to swing a deal with the gym across the street from me for a membership of $50 for a month as long as I drop off a flyer at work telling my coworkers that they can go to the gym for $50 a month. Tonight I worked out there and it was so quiet, nice and convient. I'm still a little sore from the hip hop class I did on Tuesday but I'm proud of myself for maintaining my workout schedule I feel so rockin'.

Realgonegal can't wait to see you on Sunday night, I'm finally well and will wash my hands like crazy.
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