Now that my shiny new computer is up and running and I've played around with burning CDs and making mp3 files familiarized myself with all of the very serious and important features, I've had a chance to re-install my trusty little Iomega zip drive. Hey, mock me if you must, but that little doober saved my hindparts several times when my dearly-departed laptop decided to have its semi-regular meltdowns. I owe that little Iomega. We have a relationship, man.
That brings me to the "Fic File" on said Iomega, which contains more half-started fics than I'd realized. Some of them were begging for the recycle bin, and off they went. But there are several there that I really want to work on, so I figured I'd post the list here to a) have a place to bookmark for periodic self-reminders and b) to at least have a reason to update this poor little LJ.
*Nine Days - my Sam/Ed-centric Skewed take on "Otis, CA" -- the title keeps changing as the number of days changes in the plot. I'm up to about Day Six now and actually rather happy with my writing in this. Will probably be re-watching "Otis" a bit to close the deal.
*Frannie the Vampire Slayer - I have five more chapters over the ones I've posted here, just need to re-vamp (har!) a bit. Must confess I'm having some fun with the non-Skewed scenario, especially with the George/Frannie/Marcus Scooby interactions. *G*
*A Little Like Insane - and here comes that Skewed stuff again! One of the reasons it's taking so long to finish the final two chapters is that I'm quite attached to Frannie and Jack in this, and I really want to make the ending work in a semi-canon way.
*Just Because They Die - Chloe's fighting me at the mo' and I'll probably have to watch "Reunion" and cringe a few more times before I tackle this one. Mark this as slightly-less-than-active currently.
*City of Angels - title subject to change, natch, but this is the Angel Brown/Angel "Bloodlines Challenge" crossover fic that was supposed to be ready for
azarsuerte by, erm, the 31st?? *facepalms* Oy. It'll actually tie in to the Slayer!Frannie fic, which I need to finish first, and...yeah, Our Lady of Procrastinata, mm-hmm.
*Mortal City - title again subject to change, and yes, I have a thing for cities. I'm going to blame this one on the
generatorofdoom group, who're making me throw together Tara McClay and Sirius Black. They won't stop talking to me until I write them.
*an Ed Post crossover, just because I luuuurve him -- problem is, I wanted to cross him with characters from "The Brotherhood of Poland," which I and about five other people liked, apparently, because it got cancelled by the fifth show. Should I worry that the random obscure cancelled characters in my brain won't shut up??
*an angsty George/Rube 'shippy fic from "Dead Like Me." I seem to be gravitating toward a most unconventional 'ship on that show - who'd'a thunk it? ;)
*some form of crossover between "Rescue Me" and "Profiler," because Tommy Gavin would just be too fun to pair up in a buddy-fic with the guys. *G*
Oy, big list. Any suggestions/motivational tips out there?