Mar 03, 2010 17:01
Daniel is trouble. Far, far more trouble than Joey ever was. Today he apparently decided to go for a walk. Joey's friend Eli came over for a bit and then I sent him home so I could get Joey to Cub Scouts. I sent Joey up to put on his shirt, put Daniel's shoes on, and went into the kitchen to throw a few dishes in the dishwasher. I was in there MAYBE a minute and a half when I heard a noise that sounded like the front screen door closing...which I though was odd since Eli had already left. I went into the hallway and didn't see or hear Daniel in the living room where I had left him, but saw the front door was cracked. I went to look and found him OUTSIDE going down the front porch steps. I freaked out. I grabbed him and went back inside and was shaking for a while. He was literally out of my sight less than two minutes. Daniel can't turn knobs yet, so I am guessing that Eli didn't pull the door all the way shut (which Joey is also guilty of quite often) and Daniel pried it open. Apparently he is now tall enough to reach up and pull down the handle to open the screen door. Scared the ever loving crap out of me. I am stunned at how quickly he got out there and how fearless he is. Lessons to me: Make sure all doors are closed all the way and keep the gate shut, even for short periods of time.