Happy Mabon and New Moon!

Sep 22, 2006 12:06

What a wonderful day, and I am home from work sick with a sinus induced migrane which in turn is making me nauseaus. I went in for about an hour and a half, which I would have had to do anyway because today we had a group photo taken for the St. Aug Record's "Best Of" and we won best nursery and best landscapers, as always (not to brag).

My intention for the day was (is? if I feel better...) to make a cocoa mock mince pie Cocoa Mock-Mince Pie:
Filling Ingredients: 1/2 cup water, 1/4 cup dry unsweet cocoa powder, 1 tsp instant coffee, 1/4 cup light brown sugar, 2 TBS molasses, 1/2 cup currants or cranberries, 1/2 cup golden raisins, 2 medium finely chopped granny smith apples, 3/4 cup breadcrumbs, 1/4 cup finely chopped walnuts or pecans, 1 tsp vanilla extract, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp allspice, 1/4 tsp ground ginger, 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
Topping Ingredients: 1/4 tsp cinnamon, 1 TBS margarine, 1/4 cup breadcrumbs, 2 TBS brown sugar
Don't forget to buy a pastry crust!
Instructions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine water, cocoa, instant coffee, filling brown sugar and molasses in saucepan, simmer until smooth. Add currants/cranberries, raisins and apples, simmer covered for 10 minutes. Remove from heat. In another bowl, combine filling breadcrumbs, nuts, vanilla extract, and filling spices. Add in hot mixture from saucepan, pour into pastry crust. For topping, melt margarine in same saucepan, remove from heat and stir in breadcrumbs, brown sugar, and cinnamon. Sprinkle on top of pie. Bake about 35 minutes or until crust is golden. Cool and eat., do a couple tarot spreads, plant some lettuce and broccoli, prepare a few spells, and do some laundry. After a nice long nap. I don't know why, Mabon is one of my favorite holidays, it stands out to me when a few others go forgotten. For me, it feels like such a nice hearth-and-home time, kind of a pagan thanksgiving. Time to start planning for the cooler, darker time of the year. In my heart, the leaves are already changing :)

Pie came out good, a little like shoo-fly pie only with fruit, because of the molasses.
And, some interesting tarot spreads:
Three Card Spread: What should I expect during the next lunar cycle?
#1 (Situation): Hanged Man, upright "A turning point, a leap in personal development, a return home. A situation which is simultaneously a test and a break-through. Relaxation and calm detachment even in the midst of everyday troubles is a prerequisite for appropriate action now."
#2 (Action): 4 of Wands, reversed "Being swept off your feet by the flow of events, lacking stamina. A matter of importance should finally be tackled and completed."
#3 (Result): Wheel of Fortune, upright "Fortunate opportunity, the luck of the draw, a meaningful coincidence. Great changes, a once in a lifetime chance. The fruits of past deeds, be they bitter or sweet, are reaped."

Cross Quarters Spread: What might become of that creeping-up feeling I've been having?
#1 (Confirmation): 9 of Swords, upright "Needless suffering, worrying in vain. The real problem remains undiscovered. It is imparative to seek out qualified counsel."
#2 (Negation): 5 of Swords, reversed "Some of your problems simply disappear, but caution is advised. The pivotal problem might merely be covered up instead of being eliminated."
#3 (Discussion): 7 of Swords, reversed: "Confront all events with patient detachment instead of using willpower and force. Do what is necessary, but at the right time and in the right place."
#4 (Solution): 4 of Pentacles, upright "Holding on to known and proven concepts. Consolidation, taking defensive measures, trying to assure a certain future."
#5 (Totality): Queen of Wands, upright "A self-confident, strong-willed woman with a knack for enjoying life and being successful. Gaining a deeper understanding for partners and other people by accepting one's own weaknesses. Business acumen, the power to prevail, leadership abilities."
Bonus draw (this one jumped right out of the deck): 8 of Cups, reversed: "Unexpected good fortune. A piece of the past is resurrected and comes to life."
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