Feb 03, 2013 22:44
Apparently February 4, 2013, is the last day of the Canadian Penny.
So... it's a given the price of absolutely everything is going to go up. Nothing's gonna be $9.99 anymore, it's all gonna be more, and taxes will go up; praise the Conservative Party! [/sarcasm]
But yeah, bye Penny, nice knowing you, I guess?
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Comments 3
Okay, technically we have one dollar coins, but literally the only place you can ever get them is out of postage vending machines. And then you try to pay for something with them at the post office and they don't believe it's real money! I wish I was joking. >.< This has happened to me twice! This is why we can't have nice things!
I'm really curious how that's actually going to work, though. It would be kind of cool if everyone started doing like Japan does and tweaking prices so that they come out to a round number with tax.
XD post offices are funny places =3 so the silver dollar thing isn't real money? Erm, I'm sorry, I know nothing about US money o.o;;
When I asked, employees told me businesses are just rounding up to the nearest dollar (they say sometimes they round down, but I don't believe that. Money is money after all, yep?). And so far, only Macdonald's isn't following through with the no more pennies thing o.o;; eh, it's a little weird, but they do what they gotta.
Wait, not even rounding up to the nearest 5 or 10 cents but the full dollar? Jerks! :P *sulkface* That's not a good deal! I think when we visited Spain (this was over ten years ago, though) businesses didn't care about exact pesos (the one-cent ones) and would round the prices down because they were too much trouble. They were funny, cute-looking little coins, too.
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