Alright, it is done. I have given in to the demand of my curiousity and my desire to get to know a character. Sooooooooo, yeah...
FF13-2, I am currently playing it, so
Hmmm, how to start? Alright, first off... beautiful visuals, the worlds are gorgeous, as expected of SquareEnix; it's interesting getting to explore places I've been to in FF13, but because it's all about time travel, I get to explore Oerba 300 years later, etc... sadly, some worlds don't go too far into depth, and others... well, puzzles. 'Nuff said ^^;;;
I acquire Gil through battles, which is always a welcome method of making some quick cash. There's no save points, but there is a well-endowed lady shopkeeper named Chocolina whom is dressed as a red Chocobo and always eager for my Gil O.o;;; and in no way does she strike me as human, because it's time travel, I'm going hundreds of years back and forth through time, and she's always there... maybe she's from a long line of a "Nurse Joy"-like society? XD
The battle system is fun, fast-paced, and also consists of Paradigm Shifts of which I've gotten rather good at ^__^ and I get to fight with little animals/monsters alongside me. Currently my favorite little guy is called a Cait Sith, he's a kitty who can heal me; who wouldn't love that? XD Erm, oh, and bit of a spoiler, I suppose..?
I was already facing off against Caius (the main baddie) when I took a wrong turn in one of the gates, and the guy kicked my ass v.v;;; so I left, went through another gate, did some work there. Then with no where else to go, and nothing else to do, I headed back to see Caius again. And yep, I laughed like a circus clown while we kicked him around.
Ah, the joys of levelling up =3 *scurries*
Okay, now the moment of truth. As soon as the game started, and I was being brought to the heroine, I told myself to give Serah a chance. I disliked Lightning in the beginning, now I love her, who's to say Serah wouldn't be the same.
And as shocking as it is, I don't find her as annoying as I thought I would. Mostly because during gameplay, you can answer however you want =3 you don't have to be all Mary-Sue and be sweet and kind and cutesy in every single cutscene. Heck, I had Serah yelling at her students just because Noel's reactions were funny XD but yeah, I dunno how I feel about Serah's "temper" being a force to be reckoned with... but whatever. Sorry, in general, I can tolerate her just fine, and her responses in the Live Trigger moments do amuse me from time to time. So yeah, she's alright.
Noel Kreiss. Wow, the guy almost ricochets between attitudes o.o;;; one second, he's kind and encouraging, the next he's playful and cocky, and then the next he's angsty o_o;; It's a little disconcerting ^^;;; but it's good I'm getting to know him, I think I like him =3 and his english VA is none other than Jason Marsden--excuse me... ♥♥♥SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!♥♥♥ I LUVES HIS VOICE!! ♥w♥ *rolls around* Gleeeee! ♥♥♥--ahem, sorry... thank you. Again, I have a thing for nice voices =3 *ducks*
Finding Snow again, he amused me with his still trying to be the hero; and while my fangirl eyes may have been seeing what it wanted, it felt like there was a little distance in the Snow/Serah-ness O.o;; really, it's just my opinion, don't worry ^^;; interactions with Snow were fun in general, what with his dedication to his friends and his easygoing nature. Noel kept trying to get mad at him, and Snow just waved it off XD but then again, I expect nothing less of the obliviously lovable lug =3
Serah: Noel, this is Snow. We're getting married (。◕‿◕。)
Snow: *perfectly serious* It's on hold right now.
Serah: ... ಠ~ಠ
Finding Hope... OMG, I flailed, and it might have looked a little weird, but Noel ran in circles around him for quite a few seconds XD I couldn't help it, I love Hope. Dawwwwwwww, to be 24 years old and in charge of the organization which took over the Sanctum's line of work, makes me so proud =3 *scurries**huggles Hopeness* he skipped grades in school, and worked his butt off so he could research how to get everyone back. Awwww, my little Hopey-Hope, gleeeee ^___^ but yes, loved seeing Hope, makes me wish I could take him with me, but sadly, he's all scientist-y now, that would not fare well in time travel... apparently *shrugs*
Alrighty, that's all I'm gonna do for now. Soooooo, bye ^^;;; *scurries*