~ After everything that had happened, I'm suprised I am still standing you know, I'm suprised that I can still function, I guess I've been dealing with it better than I thought I ever could...maybe. If you discount the fact that I managed to end up in the pub last night...again. *sigh.*
~ Heres something that I wrote down for the twins ~ You know guys, I know its a scary time for you, that your friends are leaving and things have changed for you, but you know, I'll always be here, this ones dedicated for you guys. A little reminder.
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred moments are dear,
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes - how do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee?
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife?
How about love?
How about love?
How about love?
Measure your life in love,
Seasons of love.
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred journeys to plan,
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes - how do you measure the life of a woman or a man?
In the truths that she learned, in the times that he cried,
In the bridges he burned, or the way that she died.
Its time now to sing out,
Though the story never ends,
Lets celebrate and remember a year in the life of friends.
Remember the love,
You gotta, you gotta remember the love,
Remember the love,
Measure in love,
Remember you live in love.
Seasons of love...