Title: A Flower for Every Ferrygirl
31 Days Theme: March 20th/Eyes which are Really Petals
Series: YYH
Character: Koenma/Ayame/Botan
Rating: G
Notes: This written just for the
31_days theme. Word count: 264.
She is breathless from all the twists and turns... )
Ohhh, I have that same tendency with writing too. Well, the long part. For some reason, things just groooow. Practice makes you better, though. If all else fails, just pretend you're writing a summary of the story and cut off the intro and the ending. That's what I like about the whole concept - jump into the scene and then jump out before you get bored. ^^ My attention span, it is short...
Speaking of which, that's one of the reasons why I haven't written Riven all these years. For some reason, if I try to do something past a one shot, I lose steam and sort of... stop. So chances of Riven being written in full are, well, kind of slim. I write random snippets, if that helps. (I know it doesn't, but yeah, XD) I really do appreciate your interest, though.
And yeah, Koenma is who he is, no matter what he appears to be. *huggles Koenma*
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