I live! I haven't been writing- really been writing in ages because of a project I needed to do in order to graduate. But now that my graduation is secure, my creative juices are starting to flow again.
I've been itching to "finish" off this Ragnarok fanfic for Alessa so I started there. I also owe someone a happy story, which has been incredibly hard for me to write because it's not my genre. Fantasy or fate captures my imagination, but not regular love stories. @.@ Anyway I reread my nth attempt the other night and have decided to continue it because the story is way past due. Eight months overdue, in fact.
The beginning goes like this:
The grey clouds were welcoming to Gabril, who looked up at their frothy greatness and watched as the skies yawned open with wind and thunder, and then, with rain. He had expected the downfall, his red umbrella already open above his head before the first drops hit the hot cement. He had a knack for predicting the inevitable. The day had been a humid one, and now, just as he had foreseen, it was furiously breezy. That was how his life worked, wasn't it? In a play of opposites.
He and Vina had always spoken in opposites: sharp, pointed words that only the other could decipher. In the eyes of the world, they were enemies but in the eyes of each other, they were friends.
Note: Those are "working" names for the characters. I'll replace them with the real names when I'm through. No, the story isn't about them being enemies. I just thought the line was cool. Yes, the story is fragmented and has no unifying theme. Yes, I don't care anymoooore.
I'm going to try to keep the story as short as I possibly can. I don't want to get bogged down with details. I just need to figure out this big gaping plot hole in which the two actually get together.
Hmm. I think I just thought of something. Cliche here we come! Will post when I finish it. Which will be ages from now.
In other topics, I'm thinking of adding fangirling about manga/anime to the theme of this blog. I know I read Shoujo Magic manga more often than I finish writing pieces, so...