Feb 28, 2010 19:54
Once again, I've been MIA from my LJ for almost a month (well, actually 22 days but...yeah...a LOT you know?). I have, as always, been lurking in the shadows, faithfully reading all of my friend's posts and commenting here and there, but I have not offered anything new.
Now I find myself bedridden because of a bitch of a disease (strep) and a perfectly natural (ha!) but still bitch of a medical sit (period) and I figured, it's now or never. So let me apologise in advance for any "WTF!" inducing comments you might find here. I blame it on the drugs...the whole lotta them ;P
Where to start...a bit of good news perhaps? After procrastinating for years and encountering some...erm...unfortunate ppl/situations, I am proud to announce I am now legally a driver. YEAH BITCHES! I GOT MY LISCENCE! AND YEAH IM IN MY 20s!!OH YEAH!!
What else...oh OF COURSE I must mention the love of my life...LOST. I keep focusing on each episode and dissecting it (read:screen capping) to the core because that keeps me from contemplating the very painfully obvious reality that this wonderful, utterly fab, life changing show is coming to an end. This is it's swan song, and in May it will pass on....an eternal hiatus awaits us all and honestly, I have NO idea what Im gonna do when May gets here. I mean...I learnt to use Photoshop and how to make gifs and how to do a damn podcast for this thing!
However, I have to say that I'm loving every minute of it. Ok, perhaps not every minute (Kate episode=ugh (yep, sorry, but yep)) and the blatant lack of Ben this season is starting to hurt. I mean, I get it. It's the last season, it mirrors the first (Ben wasn't in it AT ALL) and there are a LOT of even-now-growing story lines to tie up in a nice little messed up bow like thing. But come on! Ben is one of the big guns this show has got, not only as far as MRE's acting is concerned but character wise. I mean D&C obviously had a blast making up this character, and I suspect they will never confess this out loud, but he's one of their favs (together with Locke, Hurley and....Frogurt?heh!) and he's one of OUR favs-wether u love to hate him or love to love him- either way he rocks his scenes and...I miss him. I miss my S2~4 badass, always-has-a-plan Benry. I just hope they will make it up to us in his centric episode...I mean teach!Ben is the best fangirl easter egg/writers' wink I've ever seen!
As far as the show itself, I'm enjoying the ride. I don't get it, at all, but I'm enjoying it. I've come to terms with the fact that a lot wont be answered and that's ok. I have no clue why this alt! universe is being showed to us, but I'm savoring it as much as I can (and lets face it, it's feeding many LOSTies fantasies, wether ur a Locke, Ben, Kate or Jack fan). So yeah, it's cool! AND weird...and as confusing as ever. Isn't that why we love LOST?
In other news, school is going ok. Now comes the time to look ahead to next year and I can glimpse the procrastinating monster in the corner but I've promised myself I will tackle all this before March is over. Also found a prospective coach (yay!) and Theater group I was in screwed me over one time too many so I'm now ready to let them know they can go fuck themselves. Fuckers.
That's it for now. Currently, as I mentioned above, I'm feeling quite literally, Sick and Tired, but I'm hopeful the week will get better. New LOST episode to look forward to, the return of USA TV shows(oh hello! Where the F* have u been hiding these past 2 months!?) and last but not least, better weather. Or so my iPhone says (it better not be lying! )
Ok then, that's it for me. Hope ur all doing ok and as happy as is possible in this life!
PS: I forgot to mention, my best wishes and prayers go out to all the Chilean and anyone with family in the country. I hope they can overcome this tragedy soon. Also, I'm thankful the earthquake did not create a terribly destructive tsunami in the end. I was really afraid for all in the Pacific and my friends in Japan yesterday. Thankfully no one got hurt. *hugs them all*
life stuff