Jun 11, 2005 15:59
shopping w/ daddy =)
yesterday i woke up & my daddy said " get ready to come to the office with me & then i'll take you shopping -- so i was like okay ! =) so then i got ready & went to his office with him & i was on the computer the wholee time . lol . & then he asked me where i wanted to go so i said monas because i wanted to get an outfit for that night =D ! so he was like alright lets goo ! so we stopped at my mommys store to say hi & she was like " let her spend as much as she wants honey okay ? & my dad was like aright & i was like woo hoo woo hoo woo hoo ! so then we went to monas & i got the cutest outfit ever ! it was this short, tight black shirt that had like these lil rhinestones going along one side of it & a black kinda pesant skirt but shorter with like beads and sequence & stuff on it ; soo cute =) & i got chandelier ( sp?) earrings from monas for only $10 ! i was really happy with what i got ..
waxing & make-uping w/ mommy =)
& thennn .. i went home; showered & got dressed & did my hair . then my daddy took me over to my mommys store, while he went to the mall to get their gifts .. at my mommys store i got my eyebrows done & my mommy did my make up and gave me a rhinestoned cell phone case that matched my outfit =) . then angie & martha came to the store to say hi & they brought a buncha gold from columbia that they were selling so my mommy bought me a gold necklace and diamond ring from them ; i lovee it ! thank you soo much mommy ! & then the guy thats doing my mommys website came in and he brought a snake ! it was soooo cool ! at first i was soo scared of it & i like ran away from him & i was like flipping out, but then everyone else was touching it and he said that the snake didnt even have teeth and that she was realy nice & hadnt ever bit anyone .. so i thouched it & it felt soo weird ! she was pretty & as my mommy said " would make a nice pair of boots " lol .. it was really fun ..
playin around w/ kylie & ali =)
then my daddy picked me up & dropped me off at kylies housee .. when i got there we were being goofy & dancing to alis ringtones lol .. we were aat her house for like 10 minutes & then her daddy drove me;kylie;ali;cassidy;cade;charlise;& kylies mommy to opa ! the car ride there was funn ! i did alis answering machine, & we were just talking & being crazyy .. then we got to opa & kylies dad kept parking like on the sidewalk & the parking guy was like excuse me . ur a lil bit on the sidewalk lol it was funny .. then he finally got it right & the night began ..
partying w/ the bffls =)
wow ! wut a night .. when we first got there ( fashinably late of course) people were already dancing on the table & there were napkins everywhere ! soo of course ; right away we got up on the tables & we were dancing & having an awesome time .. then .. this really hot kid named patrick came in & alll of the dynasty found a reason to walk to the front door .. lol .. whether it was " umm .. lets look out the window " or " its crowded over here " or if it was me & kylies reason lol " lets go over there , that kid is realllly hot =) ilukylie .. soo then after gazing at this kid we went back to dancing on the tables .. me lexi & kylie were like amazed at body rolling lol .. you have no idea how cool it looks when you can see only the bottom half of your self in the mirror & then when you body roll in a line .. its amazing, i sware lol .. then we were dancing alot with hayl =) and with patrick & bucktoothed beaver lol .. he was quite possibly the funniest thing ive seen in a whiiiile .. he was doing like the running man and like all this stuff on the tables lol .. me ?& ky were like peeing .. then we had cake .. ! & poor jilly got it shoved all over her face by gianni =( .. i loove you jilly ! then hayl, lexi, jessie, kylie & i had a battle with some like 20 something year olds lol .. we were like bring it !!! we were doing all our hiphop number and like all this stuff -- it was really funny .. but then something uhh .. happened .. so they left =/ .. soo after they left we were just like dancing & body rolling lol .. & then me & kylie went into the bathrrom to buy gum, but i only had a 20 & i sware, we were in the bathroom for like 8 minutes while this lady gave me change for a 20 .. i was like ..come on !! hurry up ! lol .. then the party started dying down & everyone was leaving except for me;ky;cass;hayl;lexi;gianni; & sarah .. we were walking like models on the long tables lol it was soo funny ..
drive home w/ my lovees =)
woah -- talk about hyper lol -- first we were in the car & we were just talking & stuff but then the beetle from hell was on the window right behind me & i like jumped on top of them ! lol .. " it could have been in my haiiir ! ! ! ! " lol .. it was soo funny .. then we spent the whole rest of the car ride ontop of eachother lol . soo then we prank called this guy lol & we were on the phone with him for like 20 minutes .. and kylie .. i mean patricia was like i LiKE PiCKLES ! lol & the guy was like me too ! & then i was on the phone with him & i asked him how his day was & he said he worked too hard lol .. so then patricia and hayl got on the phone & we were telling him all this stuff & then the call was lost so we called him back & he goes well, patricia .. im getting very tired soo can you call me back tomorrow morning ? and we were like. . uhh sure ? lol .. i feel bad that we never did .. lol .. then they dropped me off at homee and i went to sleep ..
today w/ myself =)
i woke up at like 2:30 lol .. i was soo tired .. then i ate breakfast & wasted time until now .. im now writing in my journal =) .. hope you enjoyed it ! i lovee youu soo much moree than youu think ! =D .. xoo