Hi there!! I'm still alive, even if yes, the time between a post and an other is longer and longer... I'm so behind my flist, comments, people who friended me, birthdays and fics... sorry ^^;
I was away a lot lately, for many reasons... but I will be brief so: Slept some nights at
juicy_sweet84 with
chainer_morgana and some friends, laughed a lot, ate japanese and too much
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Thanks for the re-feedback for TJitD, yay!
Other than that, you probably haven't missed much. We're getting ready for the WC, LOL.
I adore when you are silly! lol, it probably sounds bad, but I'm sure you understood ;) Remember to invite me to your wedding! ;)
You're most welcome <333
Ok then, I'll follow you from now on... ooohhh yes, the WC, that I noticed! Your community and your slash comments sure attract attention *g* Maybe I'll take a look, too... Enjoy btw :D
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