Jan 16, 2008 18:12
I just want to say... Konomi Complex doesn't sound very good. Someone should change the name. I only signed up for this housing complex because it's beautiful, but the name still irks me somehow.
I think it's about the right time for me to get a blog, ne? My last blog crashed (for some bizarre reason), and I've been kind of afraid of getting another one since. But here I am, of course.
Work is tiring. The students, though very good, don't know how to follow directions. For one, when you say left, you go left, not backwards. If you go backwards, that's for line dance, which I am currently not even thinking of doing. They are testing my patience. But then again, I did sign up for being a dance instructor, so that's partly my fault.
[ooc: strikes deleted :) hi everyone!]
student complaints,
name rants