Oct 20, 2006 22:13
Mon Amie La Rose
Current mood: distressed
On est bien peu de choses.
Et mon amie la rose me l'a dit ce matin.
A l'aurore je suis ne, baptise de rose.
Je me suis panouie.
Heureuse et amoureuse.
Au rayon du soleil.
Je me suis ferme la nuit.
Me suis reveille vieillie.
Pourtant j'etais trs belle.
Oui j'etais la plus belle.
Des fleurs de ton jardin.
Ou est bien peu de choses.
Et mon amie la rose me l'a dit ce matin.
Vois le dieu qui m'a faite.
M'a fait courber la tte.
Et je sens que je tombe.
Et je sens que je tombe mon coeur
est presque nu j'ai le pied dans la tombe.
Dj je ne suis plus.
Tu m'admirais que hier et je serais poussire.
Pour toujours demain.
On est bien peu de choses.
Et mon amie la rose morte ce matin.
La lune cette nuit, a veill mon amie.
Moi en rve j'ai vu. Eblouissant les nuits.
Son me qui dansait.
Bien-au dj du vu.
Et qui me sourait.
Croit celui qui peut croire.
Moi j'ai besoin d'espoir.
Sinon je ne suis rien.
On est bien peu de choses
et mon amie la rose me l'a dit ce matin.
Vois de dieu qui m'a faite.
M'a fait courber la tte.
Et je sens que je tombe.
Et je sens que je tombe
mon coeur est presque nu.
J'ai le pied dans la tombe.
Dj je ne suis plus.
Tu m'admirais que hier.
Et je serais poussire.
Pour toujours demain.
So it's official, my aunt has cancer. and they can't do anything for her in petaluma where she lives, her doctor reffered her to UCSF. I guess their medical department is a little more accomadating there. so the kid is moving in to the alice room and my aunt is moving into his room. mom's not sure if we're moving yet. So Yeah, that's what's going on currently.
Also Vince made contact with me a couple nights ago. Apparently he's coming up this weekend and want's to sit down and have dinner with me on monday to talk. And as you can guess, Jeff is not pleased with this at all, he's afraid of some underlining motive that vince might have for wanting to see me. I have no idea, nor do I really care. if there is, whatever, I'm a big girl I can handle my self and others. My mommy didn't raise no fool. LOL.
I'm not really sure what to think, so I'm not thinking I guess, just kinda going with it. I just wish I could reassure the boy that nothing is going to happen. Even if vince did bring up the request of "just once more", it's NEVER going to happen. not even an option. our time is done and has been done for quite some time now. He even had a second chance and wasted it. there are no more after that. why would I waste my time to go through the same shit for a third time? Thats the point, I WOULDN'T!! I've cryed enough over that whole mess and I'm done, end of story. *sigh* lol, feels good to say that.
I wouldn't mind being his friend, but that's a given, I mean look at me and jeremy. I went through hell of shit with that boy and we're friends, took us a little while to get there but we're here and I wouldn't change any of it for the world. i luvs my blue!!!! :)
And I love Jeff very much. LMAO, he told me last night that he's worried about all these random guys that are hitting on me. I mean wow, I don't think I've ever had anyone say that to me b4. In varrious situations that might be taken as an "I don't trust you" messege. I personally think it's kinda sweet. As weird as it sounds, but I don't think I've ever had anyone worried about me leaving them b4, not that it's ever been an issue. I have this strange mentality about mating for life, I dunno. I guess I've never had anyone stick around long enough I guess. Jeff is worhty of it though, I know that he's going to be a constant in my life till the end. He's the kind of person that I like to keep around me, and it's comforting to know that regardless of what happends he'll always be around. Yeah I know things moved a little fast, but who care. He doesn't, neither do I. We're happy, and that all that matters. LOL
Anyways, I'll stop boring who ever is reading this and get back to work,