Jun 02, 2010 14:07

I took a long time to find any decent title of this entry...
and I can't think of I let it empty until I finished it...xP

This morning...I was surprised to know a story in this entry.

no I wasn't that shocked...I've seen the pic before...and it's so last month...xP (literally it's last month)
only how the story grows into something else...that surprised me more.

You guys might read It's absurd how now the girl's related to the pic just happened to be 'his blonde GF'
and how the pic was from her cellphone which a crazy fan swapped from her bag and strangely the fan managed to put the phone back after emailing the pic??
All of it -be told- happened on Darekiss screening in LA??
of course I've read this before too...another rumor... his GF showed up on the screening.

We'll never know the truth...

I'm just so amazed of how with one could lead into so many different stories...just associate with this and that...bammm!! you can make your own fanfics...and seriously...It never feels good.

I know I'm just another fan...sometimes I want him to be as I see him on stage or mistakes...sometimes I want him for my self other girls...
but...but...that would be cruel...I don't wanna be like that...even It's hard...I should state in my mind...He has his life despite what I really know/see about him...I apparently know nothing...nothing personal.

when he laughs in an he really laughing?no body knows it...

So...I dunno what's he really like...Tegoshi Yuya that I know is limited only from what He showed him self to all of his fans...only that...
but still I feel so bad if there's somebody talking bad about him...coz deep down I believe He's a good person despite all of the body wants to ruin their own does he...I'm sure He's not being reckless about his private life...since He's in the entertainment world...He should know any actions will lead him to something good or bad.

Woaahh...I suddenly become so emo...
I just try to ease my mind anyway...every time a rumor comes up...I get so annoyed...uugghh!! >__<

Well...everyone sticks to what we want to believe...I stick with mine.

1. I finally decide the title xDD
2. Read about Ryo-chan summer drama rumor is that already official? anyways...the main character somehow remains me to Dexter.

tegoshi yuya, random, blabs

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