Apr 12, 2004 15:50
Hey yo... this is yo friend spam coming right back at chya... updating minnas lj, well shes college boudn now she spent a nice spring break with me.. u know and everyone else, it was pretty eventful. she visited berkley and rutgers in new jersey, but she has decided to stay in casli for college which means she can choose between three great colleges, ucsd, berkley or davis... which will she do?? no one will know yet, i say she goes to berkley, but the other two arent far behind. anyways she likes to play soccer alot, she came over today and watched me collect change around my house cuz im trying to save money u kno... im tyring to think of ways to make money. Anyways we are back at school and it sucks man it does for reals... she has a big soccey tournament this weekend, and allis going to san fran this weekend only to leave sam allll alone all weekend.good thing shes working this weekend. if u have any ways for sam to make money comment on minnas journal and she will relay the message. so uh hows life guys, proms coming up soon and i just gots to say anyone whos going wit minna will be ones lucky guys yo.... yeah she gots to get a dress tho. WEll anyways i must go entertain minna and nick.. so chao.