Jul 07, 2013 21:31
I have never been to Finncon before. It was an okay con, but nothing spectacular. I think Ropecon is much more fun actually. I bought some books, a t-shirt and hanged out with friends. All in all a good Saturday well spent. I went there kind of ex tempore and mainly because a friend asked me to go. I didn't regret going. I did regret forgetting my umbrella home. Derp!
Thanks to everyone who made this weekend fantastic!
I have to add one more thing about Finncon. Someone was doing and epic Jurassic Park cosplay.There was one person cosplaying Grant the paleontologist and another one cosplaying a velocia raptor. This meand they had constructed a suit that was quite high and long that really looked like a velocia raptor. The person cosplaying was inside it in a black leotard. The cosplay was really good and very well made. I have never seen anything like it before. I hope it won the costume contest.