The Pre-requisite
You need to first have voted on three other applications before your own application may be voted on.
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Numbah one.Vote 2:
The second.Vote 3:
And one more. The Basics
Name: Just call me Pietro.
Age: Let's just say I'm 18, since it's my birthday on Saturday. =3
Describe the meaning or significance in your username: "Bamf" is the sound Nightcrawler of the X-Men makes when he teleports, and female is my sex. Most of the time there's "143" at the end of it, but for some reason when I made my LJ I thought we couldn't put numbers. XD; The 143 is also significant of the X-Men, with Mutant 143 from X2.
Favorite color: Purple, definitely. It suits me. I also like blue. As for in the wardrobe department though, it's mostly black.
Do you give orders or simple follow what's given to you? It depends on what's more advantageous to me. I know how to take orders but I don't just do it mindlessly.
Is the glass half full or half empty? You know, I always say half full, but I'm more of a pessimistic person.
Your favourite drink is? Mountain Dew: Code Red. It's the ultimate high.
Smoking. Yes or no? Sure, I smoke. Mind you it's not frequently, but hell, nothing wrong with a smoke now and again.
Scraping the Surface
What are your interests? I like anime and cosplaying, as well as reading. Also, I love vampires. So, so much.
What are your pet peeves? People who are dirty, and ignorance. Ignorance is the leading cause of scury.
What are your hobbies? Special talents? My hobbies are reading, role-playing, and the occassionaly crafty thing. I do cosplays and plushies.<3 And then there's watching anime. So much anime. And by that I mean like... three shows at a time, but still.
Your strengths lie in… and why? I'd say they lie in my mind, and in my integrity. I've always considered myself an intelect.
Your weaknesses are… and why? Mm, this one is hard, because it's both a strength and a weakness, but I can be pretty much utterly immune to emotions around me. I really don't give a damn about how I make other people feel.
Digging a little Deeper
Who do you admire (whether it be fictitious or real life) and why? I admire Sanji from One Piece, because of his attitude, and his awesome cooking abilities. For those who don't know, his dream in life is to find a legendary sea called "All Blue", where every type of fish in the world gathers, and it's easy to catch them. He's entirely aware of the physical impossibilities behind his dream, but he still believes in it, and that's what I love most about him.
What do you look for in a friend and why? Loyalty, and a sense of humor that near enough mirrors my own. Also, you've got to be as smart or nearly as smart as I am, I really can't tolerate people that know nothing. Unless you're cute and inquisitve, like ol' Victor was.
If you were in a rock band, which position would you play and why? I'd either be a vocalist or a pianist, since I've actually been trained in those two areas. I'd like being a singer, but my range isn't the best, so.
How would your ideal room/apartment look like and why? It would be the old apartment my Aunt Bonni had when I was growing up. One room, one bathroom, nice size kitchen and living room. Not big, but just right for two people starting a life together.<3 And it had lots of trees and was pretty.
If you were a piece of jewelry what would you be and why? I'd be a necklace, so I could see down girl's tops. Mmm.. a ring, since hands interest me.
From the Manga
Who is your favorite character and why? Difficult to say, but probably either Hachi or Yasu, awkwardly enough. I like Hachi because she's fairly cute, but still has a brain in her head, for the most part. I like Yasu because he reminds me a lot of myself.
Who is your least favorite character and why? I'm not as up to date as everybody else I don't think (I only buy the volume mangas), but at the moment it's Sachiko. I'm really hoping she goes off and dies somewhere. She's completely aware of the fact that Shinji had a girlfriend, yet she came onto him, and that's utterly unforgivible in my eyes. Plus, she's a ho.
Your favorite pairing? And why? Mmm.. dunno, probably Nana and Hachi. For once, I actually enjoy yuri. XD
Your favorite relationship? And why? Ren and Nana. They've got a stubborn love, and they're unwilling to really admit to it, but they're very reliant on one another deep down.
Et Cetera
Where did you hear about us from? Just browsing around trying to find NANA communities.
Anything else you'd like to add? ...I love Nana. ;-;