The Basics
Name: jen
Age: 19
Describe the meaning or significance in your username: it's just something i picked when i was 12 for my first e-mail, i love the moon and i wanted something dramatic-sounding for some reason. i've sinced become very attached to it although now i usually go by the alternate, iceymoon (yes, the e is there intetionally). :]
Favorite color: purple...the kind that is on the edge of looking like a muted blue.
Do you give orders or simple follow what's given to you? that's an interesting way to ask that, i'm not really on either extreme (i prefer a balance, you know, yin and yang). generally i find myself getting annoyed easily when someone starts giving me orders unless they were specifically asigned to, so i'm rarely going around someone else's orders. that being said, knowing how much i appreciate my freedom i try to treat others like i like to be treated, so i don't order people around either unless it's part of a project and i specifically think that i know better.
Is the glass half full or half empty? definitely half full. i'm not optimistic about everything, i'm more realistic than anything, but i like enjoying what i have rather than worrying about what i don't have.
Your favourite drink is? i like sweet things, kiwi-strawberry juice, for example. lemonade, too. i love tea (especially with boba) and coffee too, with lots of sugar. i even like my alcoholic drinks sweet, like margaritas and dessert wines. i hate carbonated drinks, by the way.
Smoking. Yes or no? not cigarettes, no. sometimes i wish i did because i get stressed out and it just seems like it would calm me down, but i tried it before and it didn't really do anything for me. and they do look kinda hot on some people, but the bottom line is i don't need to, so why put myself in that position?
Scraping the Surface
What are your interests? the obvious ones would be anime, manga, movies and tv. other than that i love to draw and be lazy. i'm interested in the japanese culture a lot too, but that seems to be common these days. i like hanging around the house, especially with my fiancee, he's really what makes me happy and he's the main part of my life right now. is a passion for me, i love every aspect of it. i usually would keep that to myself, but i feel with yazawa's stories who is geared toward a more mature audience, this could be relevant.
What are your pet peeves? i hate it when people look down on me in any way, shape, or form. usually this happens when people find out how old i am and that i'm engaged, and all of a sudden they look at me like i've thrown away my life or like i don't know what i'm doing. i HATE when people underestimate my ability to decide what i want in life, i don't even mind making my own least they were my mistakes.
What are your hobbies? Special talents? somehow i feel that i would just be repeating what i wrote in interests. my only talent, i think, is drawing and i plan to expand on that. i'm into art in, graphic design, web design, painting, even drama, but those are on the side. i have produced a few good things in those forms, but they're really just for fun, nothing i plan to pursure. i just love to draw, and i hope to develop skills in story-telling so i can come out with a good graphic novel one day. :] for other hobbies, i like learning dances whenever i can for fun, and i love karaoke.
Your strengths lie in… and why? i'm strong-willed and i have emotional strength, i think this is because of my childhood in which i had to be strong, otherwise my family would fall apart. i made choices when i was so young that now i don't even know how i knew then what to do. because of this i'm also mature, independent and level-headed. i'm also open-minded, thoughtful, but i think this is just because i think everyone is equal and everyone deserves an equal chance. i also have a sense of adventure. that is, i love a good thrill and having fun, there's so much i want to do in life. i'm always myself and honest, i think this is because the time i spent being unsure of myself and trying to fit in just made me unhappy. i decided i didn't want to be unhappy, so i'll always be true to myself.
Your weaknesses are… and why? i can be a little too stubborn when i'm arguing and i think i'm right. sometimes i just make up my mind that you won't change my mind, and i guess i just won't let myself feel like the other person won. also, although i'm opinionated, i oftentimes won't tell people what i'm thinking, particularly if i don't feel very close to them. a lot of people underestimate what's in me because of that. i'm not sure why i do that, the only thing i can deduct is that i don't like drama and don't want to start a confrontation if i can avoid it, so i'd rather stay quiet. i'm so lazy and a procrastinator to one of the highest degrees, this is probably due to the fact that my parents never really made me do chores or anything, so i loath those type of responsibilities, it takes me days to decide to get up and do something productive. i'm far from a homemaker, which leads to everything always being messy (even though i hate it) and i can't cook anything more advanced than toast. my memory is god awful, i'm not really sure why. well, i'm easily distracted when i'm not focused, and the antithesis of a multi-tasker when i am focused, so i imagine it has something to do with that deadly combination. i can be considered a flake sometimes, little bit of a loner also (which isn't always bad, but i don't make a very good typical friend). i don't know, i just find it hard for me to really want to see people sometimes, the only exception is my fiance. also, on a scale of 1-10 of physical strength (10 being superman-ly), i'm probably at negative two. i never work out, and i hardly get any vitamins (and i don't make an attempt to do either), so that's my fault. and although i consider independence as one of my strengths, lately it has become all too clear to me how emotionally dependent i am on my fiancee. that might not seem so bad at first except that it comes to affect him sometimes when he wants a day to himself. :/ i guess since i don't have many people i'm completely comfortable with, he became the person that's everything to me, and it's really hard for me to accept that i can't be with him all the time. woah, this is so much longer than the strengths...
Digging a little Deeper
Who do you admire (whether it be fictitious or real life) and why? i tend not to admire people, actually. there are many great people, and talented people out there, but in the end my feeling is of more power to them, rather than any sense of admiration. i am happy with who i am, so i don't spend much time thinking about who i'd like to be like. i guess what i do admire is a trait in people, self-discipline. i'm not even close to having that, but it's becoming more and more apparent that it's something that's very healthy and useful when something doesn't come naturally to you.
What do you look for in a friend and why? the only thing i require is an open mind, but it's amazing how hard that is to find. so many people think you're no longer a friend if you don't keep in touch as much, or that are so judgemental of people even if they get along with me. i don't care about labels or appearance, if you're a good person and open-minded (and fairly sure of who you are, it's hard for me to be around people who obviously are trying to fit in or be cool, it's hard to really get to know them that way). well, at least that's for people i call regular friends since there doesn't seem to be a term for it. by that i mean that people i like and get along with great, and i enjoy their company. but i only have a couple true friends, and it wasn't anything i was looking for in them. we just clicked, we connect on another level.
If you were in a rock band, which position would you play and why? although i'm no professional, i would definitely sing. i can lose myself in a song with emotion, i will sing my heart out no matter how i sound. i've imagines myself performing before, and it's always singing that i think about...just passing on the emotions that i feel through words words and tone, i would love to do that.
How would your ideal room/apartment look like and why? very modern, cool and smooth, and simplistic. i would probably have a little variation of that in each room, one a little more black and chrome/silver, one a little more quirky, one a little more technological, one a little more zen...but all with the same simplistic and modern look.
If you were a piece of jewelry what would you be and why? o_o; a ring because it looks good and is more appreciated? i don't know, this seems silly.
From the Manga
Who is your favorite character and why? oosaki nana, her shameless and bold attitude amuses me and fascinates me. :] she's cool...and you gotta admit she's hot.
Who is your least favorite character and why? i love all the characters, yazawa has a tendency of making her characters all have that something about i have to think of minor ones to find one i don't like. i'm gonna go with asano takashi, he's just lead poor nana/hachi on and hurt her so deeply. he had the power to stop the mistake from happening and not let nana think that they could truly be together. selfish guys like that make me really angry.
Your favorite pairing? And why? forgive me, i thought pairing and relationship were the same thing. i must be new to this fangirl i'm going to say besides relationships, my favorite pair is nana and nana. it's a bit of an obvious answer, but their opposite personalities compliment each other so well,. every page is just so entertaining and enjoyable when they're together, whether it's comedy or drama.
Your favorite relationship? And why? oosaki nana and honjou ren. i jusr feel they really love each other, and their story is a little sad so i love it even more. the tension adds to that too...and they plain look hot together.
Et Cetera
Where did you hear about us from? you came to me asking to affiliate. ;D
Anything else you'd like to add? not really. ^_^; um...i love animals and i'm a vegetarian. oh, and i can be a bit rebelious when someone makes a decision for me, even if they're entitled to. i have to do something to feel i'm still in control of my life, even if it's small.
hey, you asked for long answers...