I failed XD
When Beautiful World was announced I decided to do as I did last year... staying away from all spoilers in order to enjoy the actual album when released.
And I was doing it so well until a couple of days ago, because... that evil girl called
sakura_watanuki ♥ was... complaining about her ichiban and his strange solo and... I got curious. I heard it and... I don't know, it's so strange, I kinda like the sound but it's strange and a little... wasteful of Toshi's singing skills.
(do you know how much I love our Captain's voice? I really do. He was the first reason I was able to love Arashi's music after all)
And today... I failed again.
Our brat played his own solo and I have a soft spot for Kazu's solos. I really love him as a songwriter (wow, I'm writing about my love for Kazu today... o_O), I like him as a singer too.
So... when sakuchan sent me a sms regarding this matter, I felt like I had to spoiler myself again.
Three notes and... I was in love.
It's a beautiful, beautiful song, Doko ni demo aru uta.
And a ballad too.
Do you know how much I love ballads? I really really do.
OMG, Kazu, today I really love you! <3
(no plans of a change of a Ichiban, don't worry, my one and only is still my beloved one XD)