Fic~He's gay he likes way >//

Nov 22, 2008 21:35

~Chapter 16~

“Open your eyes.. my son..”

Toma open his eyes slowly. He saw a person that he always wanted to see for all these day. “Mommy??”

The woman smiles sweetly toward him. “How are you..”she said caressing his cheek and ruffles Toma dark hair.

Toma answered with smiles. “Am I dreaming? Am I dead ?”.  his mother already passed away long time a go. A few years after that, his father followed her. And it left Toma with  Saki-obaachan who raised him.

“Maybe yes..maybe not. I’m here for you..”she replied. The way she talks, really resemble with Risa. Her soft voice, kind heart..

“Risa..” a sudden word escape from his mouth.

Another smiles occurs from Mrs Ikuta’s lips. “My daughter -in-law..”

“Ano wasn’t like that..we’re..”

“No need to explained Toma. I know everything..”she said. “Your father too..”

“Daddy? Where is he?” Toma glance around. He doesn’t care whether he’s already dead or not because the thing that matter now is-his parent was here.

“He’s here a few hours a go. Listen Toma.. I can’t be here long. I just want you to know that we love you so much. And nothing can change that. Please be strong and lived happily. We proud of you..”she said before disappeared slowly.

“Mommy..wait.. I ..wait…don’t go..please…………..” a tears rolled from his cheek. Is it okay for a guy to cry ? at least for the one he loves. The person he missed so much. That he wanted to see badly.


“Ehh..”Risa noticed something flow through Toma cheek. He’s crying ? is he in pain ? is he sad  ? did he got a bad dream ?

Slowly. She took out her favorite handkerchief and wiped her husband tears . “Toma..wake up..why are you crying?tell me ..”she started to feel worry. But Toma leave her with no response “Of course you won’t tell me..” Risa said with a disappointed tones.

Slowly, she walked outside the room. Trying to catch some air. She don’t want to stay there long or she’ll cry again. Until she realized some nurse walked slowly to one direction. And surprisingly she heard their slow chitchat while they passing through her.

“Yamapi show some response..he’ll wake up..” said one of the nurse.

“Yamapi you mean Yamashita-kun? That Gay actor?”the other asked. Hearing that makes Risa smiles, reminding of her friendship with Hani when she know nothing of that Gay world stuff and Hani seems to be the queen. It’s embarrassing to think when Hani already saw Toma-naked?

My God !!!

Did she felt something bumped inside her. Is it a jealousy that crept onto her now.

“Waa..I have no idea what makes you like him that much when he’s gay..but I hate to admit-he’s cute” said the nurse.

“Because I fall in love with him” replied the other one-full with enthusiasm.

Risa smiles.. but then she realized something. Yamashita Tomohisa ? !!!

“Ano” she tried to asked them. The two nurse paused and look at her.

“Yes..can we help you miss?”



Risa opened the door and looked inside it. There was a man lay on the bed. Look terrible but not as terrible as Toma. Maybe slightly better-than her husband.

Risa leaned closer and saw the man eye still closed-shut. That’s when until it suddenly opened. Risa shocked and stepped back.

“Ano-I didn’t mean to break in but but.. I thought..errr… gomenasai” Risa bow to him and quickly turned back to leave the room.

“Chotto..” Risa stop on her track when she heard Yamapi weak voice. “How was he?”

Risa widened her eyes. So he was asking about Toma. “ He’s okay..don’ worry..” Risa lied because as far as she know-it wasn’t a good thing to tell a bad news to someone who still in pain or sick.

“Don’t lie to me..” Yamapi insisted. Risa puzzled.

“I..I’m sorry..”

“No..I’m sorry..” Yamapi tried to sit n his bed.

“Please don’ force yourself to move. You’re just hurting hurting yourself..” Risa said.

“I’m sorry..” Yamapi bow to her. “It was all my fault. I’m the one who cause his accident. I was drunk and refuse to drive…”

Yamapi explanation make Risa rolled her eyes. “What? Why did you ever do that.. you know it’s dangerous. You could cause someone die. ..”she realized how loud her voice now.. “Sorry..”

Risa ran away from Yamapi ‘s room, back to Toma.

Kneeling down, Risa pray. “Please Toma..please wake up..don’t do this to me..”


Day by day..week by week..time flies but Toma still didn’t wake up. Only Yamapi shown many progress. But Risa didn’t want to meet him. Their marriage period contract will be over soon. This makes Risa even more sad. Will she be able to say goodbye to Toma ?

That day, she was alone in her bedroom. Gazing at the contract paper which both of them had sign before all these started-with her mind full of thinking and thought.. too many thing across her mind but she was completely sure of one thing-nothing will make Risa regret in this marriage.

She miss Toma so much but there’s nothing she could do. Only pray and keep praying. Hoping for the best thing to come.

“God-I swear !! if Toma wake up..I’ll leave this place and never see him again. Is it because we’re playing with marriage bonding that you punish him like that. I am the one who should take the responsibility not him..” Risa cried while holding her two hands . “Please God.. make him recover.. I promise I will never be here again. ..”

With that-Risa took a deep breathe and started to pack all her belonging.

I have nothing here.. plus-the marriage will be over soon. I should get going..

She also wrote something to Saki-obaachan..

Dear obaachan ^^

I’m sorry that I have to leave without telling. Our marriage will be over soon. It’s a great thing being here and I personally want to thank you for everything. I am so sorry too because I can’t make Toma stop from acting..but I think I manage to make him slow down all his activity but that was all your help.

I can’t thank you enough for helping my brother.. thanks..if there’s one day I can do something else for you.. I will !!

That’s a promise

See you again ( hopefully )



“Risa !!” that was the first word came out from his mouth when Toma started to opene his eyes.

“Toma !! you’re awake..” Ryo jump to him-happy. “Maru !!”

Toma feel so dizzy and weak. He felt like he already slept for  thousand years. Everything seems so bright but he could hear Ryo voice-which was disturbing peace XP..

“You’re so loud..” Toma mumbled.

“Sorry.. OH MY GOD !!!” Ryo did something whichlook likes a dance. A stupid dance..

Okay..from recover-I might just die now..Ryo said slowly.

“Honto !!” Nakamaru stumbled into the room-dragging Koyama with him. “Yatta !!”

All of the hugging. Toma frowned.

“Oi !!”he said almost shout. “ How could you guys do a group hug without me..baka ..all of you !!” Toma said then laughed slightly.

Ryo, Nakamaru and Koyama scratching their head.

“Sorry..”they said together.

“Ano-where’s Risa?” Toma asked. Ryo quickly turned to Nakamaru and Koyama-gulped. What should they said to him-after three month Toma has been in coma-and finally when he wake up-Risa already gone. To the place they also don’t know. Not even Hani.. and her family also didn’t want to reveal the place she were right now.




fanfic, ikuta toma

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