Fics~the one with Hirosuke in it ~_^

May 30, 2008 03:25

Title : Stuck 'in' you

Author : nana

Rating : PG ( I'm sucked at this)

Pairing : O.c with Hirosuke and slighly Hikaru,Goseki

A/n : the story turned to be even more nonsence..what am I supposed to do !!  *o*

Warning : un-beta-ed so be prepared with a lot of grammar mistakes and definately wrong spelling due to mu terrible english~

Chapter 4

(Denise fainted and now in ICU..her condition suddenly turned unstable)

Taisuke tried to opened his eyes,it felt weird when he could see all the light.It’s like he was sleeping in such a long time.But why he felt so strange.Where am I ?

“Denise??”a voice suddenly said that name.who’s Denise?.Taisuke looked behind and saw a girl suddenly appear behind him.

“Who are you?”Taisuke asked.Luana gulped.

“You’re not’t tell me you’re Fujigaya Taisuke?”Luana covered her mouth with her palm and quickly  run to search for Denise.She said inside her heart ‘ be strong Deni-Taisuke is already wake up’ .She run so fats until she accidently hit someone and fell backward.

“Ouch~”she said and rubbing her arm.

“Sorry..are you okay”the person that she hit offer his hand to help.

“It’s okay”Luana said and looked up and she almost screamed after say that guy.It was Hikaru.”I’m fine-daijobu”she shook her head.

“Are you sure?”Hikaru asked again.

Luana shook her head and quickly got up but she surprised to see so some Johnny Juniors walked  here and there and looked so worry.All of them especially Kitayama.He is the one who looked so worry~the most.

“Err..wait !! may I know why is so many people here? I need to see Den..err I mean Fujigaya Taisuke because I have something important to tell her.. I mean him”Luana bit her bottom lips,realizing how messed up her word now.

“Oh..didn’t you know,he suddenly fell unconscious with unknown reason and now he just came out from ICU..”Hikaru explained.

“What !!!”Luana said,almost screaming. “ What happened to him?”

“Relax.. I guess you also one of his fangirl don’t you? Taisuke-kun already stable,he just still didn’t wake up..and we cannot enter the room because doctor still checked his condition.Luana just nodded her head slowly.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…”a loud screamed could be hear not far from them.Luana gasped-oh was Denise voice.She quickly run toward Denise room.

“What?”she quickly asked after entered the room . All she could see was a girl who happened to be her bestfriend terrified pale face.

“What is happening to me? Who am I ? who is she on that wasn’t me”


*from now-this fic is changed from Denise point of view to Taisuke point of view*

What would I expected when I woke up and suddenly inside other person body.And that body belonged to a girl.How am I supposed to voice even changed to girl voice..what is happening to me.

“Relax Taisuke-kun”that girl over there tried to calm me.She know my name? okay-that is double weird-how did she know who am I ?.

“Who are you and how did you know I am Taisuke?” I tried to stay calm.

“I’m Luana and that body is belonged to my friend,Denise and I don’t know how to explained this but I believe you two already switching body” Luana tried to explained. “ Okay-cut the crap.. I know this is hard to believe ..urghhhh..why am I stuck in this situation now”

“Denise?”Taisuke asked. “ Where is she?”

“She insides you and I seriously feel so worry now that as soon as you wake up-she’s the one who turned unconscious..what’ with you two”Luana sighed in worry. I don’t know how to react-luckily I still have a courage to stay calm..This thing is so hard to believe but it’s true and it did happened.I am inside girls body and I have-THIS !! a breast..OH MY GODDAMN GOODNESS.

“HEY~don’t touched that as if it belonged to yours”Luana warned when she saw me touching this girls breast..Okay-frantically,now I can consider it was mine because I was inside this body..And hair..oh GOD I had a long hair??.An earring??.. I am really a guy stucked inside girls body.

“Sorry” I said to her. “What should I do..would you mind to tell me what is exactly happened?” I really want some explaineation now.At leats-somebody who might telling me a bit since I was so damn confused now.

“Okay.. I will tell you everything that I know..” Luana sit next to me on the bed and started to tell the whole story..So that was true..her friend was inside my body for about a week and  suddenly fell unconscious and all of sudden I woke up inside her’s? okay-that somehow explained a bit-not so much but at least I already what is exactly happened.

“Can I visit him? I mean my own body” I said.All I really wanted now is to see my own may kinda weird to see be in that condition.

“Ne Taisuke-kun-what makes you suddenly wake up after so long?”Luana asked me. How could I know..But I do know one thing-a voice.I keep hearing a voice-begging me to opened my eyes.Was it that girl voice? I mean Denise?.

“I don’t know..but all I know I always heard a voice..begging me to opened my eyes.. I’ve struggled a lot to wake up…that’s all I know.. I thought it was all dreaming” I answered.But somehow I could see Luana tears started to rolled down through her cheek.She’s crying.What should I do?

“Ne-it’s okay..we’ll figure out the way to turned everything to will get your bestfriend again and I will get my life again..” okay.. I am the one who supposed cry but I am a guy so I must be strong.Somehow I felt comfortable around her-it’s like she already become my friend too .


That night I tried to ‘visit’  Fujigaya Taisuke body after Lu told me his room number..Not so far from mine..I walked slowly toward that room-hoping not to accidently meet with any nurse or whoever person is.

I reached the door and slowly opened it.With a careful stepped, I entered the room and walked toward ‘myself’.Somebody was there..sleeping beside ‘myself’. I know that person. Kitayama Hiromitsu.

He taking care of me? Why would he do that? Wasn’t he supposed to have a good rest because he had daily training and the next shounen club is only one week from now.

I slowly walked to him and caressed is hair carefully not to wake him up.Luckily-he’s not easy to wake up when he fell asleep.That’s  Kitayama that I know.The one who looked so adorable and he can sleep whenever he want,wherever he loves.That Kitayama who is so adorable whenever he look so messed up and angry if somebody disturb his sleeping time.Kitayama that loves to make a joke and teased me all the time.

Why I feel like crying..half of myself really want to hug him.Why am I feel so sad and hurt when I can see him but couldn’t touched him.What the hell am I feeling now.Why did I feel so lonely when he was not besides me-near to me..why am I feel like I missed him so much that I don’t want to separate from him anymore.

And I could see my ownself-lay down there..not moving.It’s weird.oh no Tai-chan..Don’t cry-just because you’re inside girls body that does’t mean you should cry like a must be strong-act strong.

I still remember that time.When we we’re young..I was learning a skate from him since he was very good and when I fell down and hurt my ankle.. I sit there almost crying but I tend to hold my tears until he suddenly sit beside me and said.

“Nee wasn’t something wrong for a boy to cry but you must be strong because you’re a guy.Nee-if you really feel like to crying now-you can cry here,on my shoulder but make sure it wasn’t too long or else I would went home shirtless since I forgot to bring my spare t-shirt today”

After that, I didn’t even crying and I was laughing.Now I realized one thing-he always be there besides me,whenever I need someone.

“Hiro~” I said slowly..almost whispered and turned behind.I guess I must go back to my own room before somebody noticed my appearance here.

“Don’t go !!”I gasped and frozed my stepped as I heard a voice..that voice..Kitayama voice.Okay-danger!!..must run no matter what happened.And never looked back !!!

1,2,3-RUN…………………………………………………………………….I run as fast as I could and quickly closed the door after reached to my won room.Oh my that was closed..Why on earth he must wake up now? ..did he noticed who am I ?


fanfic, hirosuke

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