Aug 24, 2005 13:36
It's definitely been awhile since I've updated my livejournal! Wow how the time has flown by! I just read my last entry made on June 24th - talking about how bored I was with my summer! Now that the summer has come to an end and I look back on it - my summer was beyond amazing! It was so good to be home and return to my home church! In working with our youth group this summer, God truely blessed me with so many amazing relationships! He showed Himself so faithful and powerful as I watched so many teenagers' lives become transformed this summer, along with my own!
I am now back at school and half-way through my first week of classes! Its hard to get back into the swing of class - but things are going well! My classes will defintely be challenging and a lot of work - but nothing that the Lord and I together can't handle! I must admit - I am enjoying my single dorm room. There's enough room in here to have a dance party - even though it is still only 10 x 14 feet!
Best wishes to all of you on your first day back to school!! God is going to use each and every one of you to do amazing things in that place this year! As anxious as you are to be done with high school - know that God is not done using you where you are at in this season of your life!!
Thanks so much for an amazing summer and the blessing that each one of you are to me!! May God Bless you in all you do!
His love and mine!