Jan 21, 2010 10:18
Hey all,
sorry for the long wait but I've been busy over the holidays helping family out and applying for TAFE, which I got into, yay. It's a library technician course, which could be a good job, sorta like my video store job only it would be about books as well as dvds, videos, tapes and cds.
I've also been thinking of going back to my writing of my story.
I'm still thinking of writing Namuh Htrae in the nine stages as I originally mentioned, this time writing about a trio of characters living through their lives, which is also the life of a civilization from beginning to end. The cycle of civilization stands for samsara, our repeated cycles of life that we think we get stuck into because of some of us not having learned the experience of life, while the progress from egocentric to kosmocentric stages stands for the rise to nirvana, where one can transcend this cycle of life and become one with infinity. Pardon if this sounds sorta hippyish or whatever, but I still want to do this and I've been thinking about it a lot, trying to still write the first page after six years of thinking about it. (sigh) Anyways, I'm turning 25 in a few weeks, so all hell's broken loose. I now am no longer considered a dependent on my parents, and so I have to get health cover, but this means I could finally be able to apply for study allowance from Centrelink, our welfare office here in Australia as I'm still currently unemployed.
To all of my friends I wish the best, happy birthdays and all and apologies for the lateness of my reply. I hope to chat to you all eventually when we're all online.
Yours sincerely
Matt Bowron (namuhhtrae)