Snippet Seventeen - Arrival of the Adamant

Mar 13, 2009 13:50

Title: The Adamant Snippet Seventeen
Author: namu_chewy
Summary: Between duty and being with you.
Genre: Romance/Angst
Characters: James Norrington, Andrew Gillette
Pairings: Gillington
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Snippets continue immediately after Curse of the Black Pearl, but not following its sequels. None of the official characters belong to me, I only adapt them for entertainment.

“Here they come, sir.”

James turned his head and felt the breeze whipping past the crest of his cheek. The governor’s words faded away and they all stood in silence for a moment, collectively watching the glorious horizon. Not a cloud or even the speck of a bird marred the vivid blue sky. The sun was a lone companion of the heavens, under which the entire sea reflected and scattered amongst each of its cresting waves the white hot glare of its brilliance. Accepting the glass held out to him, James passed it on to Weatherby, and squinted at the dark shape coming their way.

“Modelled on the French, you say?” the governor pointed the periscope towards the advancing company.

“But better,” James felt his lips curl, and looked at the lieutenant stood at his side, “A handsome addition to our forces, wouldn’t you say, Mr Gillette?” The man’s head whipped back from the sight, and he met Andrew’s excited gaze.

“Inarguably, sir,” he replied, and turned his attention back upon the approaching ship.


Officers and sailors alike crowded the bay, each man wanting to take a good look at the new curiosity. Theo strode up to Andrew, and they heard Willis barking at others to get back to their jobs.

“What do they call her?”

“The Adamant.”

“Adapted from the French?”

“But modified to our needs,” Andrew echoed the commodore, and Theo looked impressed.

“A good size combined with what looks to be a good amount of firepower. Perhaps even a match to the Interceptor for speed.”

“We shall soon find out.”

“And who is the captain?”


James folded his arms and leant his shoulder against the doorframe.

“How do you find Captain Hunt?” he asked, cocking his head to one side as Andrew stepped into the tub. He hissed at the heat of the water and took the edges of the bath to lower himself into a sit.

“A most respectable man,” Andrew replied as he started rubbing water over his arms and looked up at James.

“Indeed,” said James as his eyebrows lofted. “He played a key role in the capture of our first French frigate.”

"Ah. Well I gather his crew must be a proud one,” said Andrew thoughtfully as he soaped beneath his arms. “I know I for one am always glad to be sailing under the best.” He grinned at the man lounging at the doorway.

“You are too kind,” said James with that droll little smile as he shifted his weight onto the other foot, and watched Andrew closely. “How would you feel about joining the admirable captain upon his next expedition?”

Andrew paused with the soap still in his hand.

“Well I," he began to say, trying to read behind James's indifferent expression. "Suppose I would have no reason to refuse,” he said, and felt his brow crinkling. “Does he lack a lieutenant?”

"The captain has...discussed intentions of a trade," James began to explain, and Andrew noticed his eyes had averted to the fireplade.


"One of his, with another of…better experience, I believe was what he said," James murmured with a slight frown. Andrew didn't like the hidden undertones, for he suspected James wasn't giving him the full picture. Slowly he leant forwards to rest his arms upon his knees.

“Surely the captain would have brought only the best to accompany him from England?” he asked, but James only folded his arms.

“Perhaps the journey has raised issues which had hitherto gone unnoticed,” he said smoothly with a shrug from a shoulder. “Either way, we have come to a prompt conclusion.”

"Oh?" said Andrew as he sat quite still in the tub, waiting for him to finish; something told him he wasn't going to like what James would say next.

“As I currently have more than enough capable men at my disposal, it has been decided that the captain shall be shortly joined by your own person,” said James with a faint smile of encouragement, but Andrew didn't know quite how to react.

“I am flattered," he began to say, feeling his brow contort when he saw James beginning to frown, and added out of reflex, "...sir."

"But?" enquired James, regarding him coolly as though to say he could see straight through to the heart of his reluctance. If he was indeed so transparent, thought Andrew, couldn't James deal at least a touch more sympathetically with him? Especially when he should have known well enough the reason for Andrew's wanting to stay.

“Have you considered others, who-”

“Your modesty is quickly becoming a folly,” said James as he took to scrutinising his person. For some unknown reason Andrew suddenly felt uncomfortably exposed, and he swallowed tightly, pretending to ignore the comment as he held the other’s gaze.

“I only mean to draw your attention towards those who have gained much recently in terms of experience and personal development, especially with our last-”

“Do you really think,” said James, cutting him off with a hard look. “That I am not aware of the improvements amongst my own men?” His expression was grave, as though to remind Andrew of his place. And it seemed to work, even if they were in the informal confines of Andrew's own home.

“No sir,” replied Andrew quietly as he averted his gaze to watch the fireplace. “Forgive my impudence.” There was a pause and then he heard a quiet sigh. Andrew felt water droplets sliding off his arm and heard them dripping back into the water. The fireplace crackled, and he saw James push away from the doorway out of the corner of his eye.

“Mr Groves may soon be securing for himself a means of furthering his position within the navy,” James said quietly with suggestion, but Andrew continued watching the flames.

“I am convinced that marriage is not the answer to everything,” he replied stubbornly, but kept his voice submissive.

“No, perhaps not," said James quietly. "And yet the likelihood is more than what some can hope for.”

Andrew pressed his lips together tightly to refrain from saying anything foolish. Another pause, and then he heard the other’s footsteps as James came into the room, and spoke up before they could come too close.

“I'd prefer a promotion based upon merit, rather than the currying of favour,” said Andrew, glancing at James; despite the reflected glimmer of the fireplace, James’s eyes were cold and serious. Andrew looked away again. “Or worse, another man’s guilt.”

“I do believe you forget that this ideal is not always adhered to in practice," said James in a voice more solemn. "That competition sometimes compels even friends to become potential enemies." Andrew chanced a glance at him, and saw James studying the fire with eyes slightly narrowed. "So unless you wish to spend the reminder of your years watching those around you rise in position," he said calmly, turning his eyes on him. "I suggest you stop with your ridiculous show of modesty.”

Andrew watched ahead and felt his lips drawing into a tight line as he sloshed water noisily over his shoulders.

“It is my duty to provide those capable with the chance to prove their abilities," said James matter-of-factly. "Many would be more than happy to hear of an opportunity of action, and I am sure that deep down you are no different.”

Rubbing at the back of his neck, Andrew watched the ripples in the water and nodded slowly.

“I am right to believe you have no objections, then?”


“Very well, I shall inform the captain of your decision."

Andrew nodded again, tried to look grateful whilst knowing either way, James had already decided for him.

“I look forward to meeting Mr Hunt and his crew,” he said somewhat woodenly.

“Indeed. I have heard most impressive accounts of the Adamant," said James, his voice softening as he regarded Andrew. "And they tell me that keeping a strict code of discipline is the good captain's forte. You shouldn't have any trouble getting on. In fact, I believe you shall be rather impressed.”

Andrew returned James's smile with one of his own, but he could not help feeling as though they were still in James's office back at Fort Charles. The soap slipped out of his hand and plopped noisily into the water. He frowned at the inappropriateness of the sound, then berated himself for thinking that way. This was his home, not a formal meeting. He wasn't quite sure what to make of having to keep up with formalities when it was just the two of them. Still, he supposed the showing and giving of respect was routine enough for officers and sailors alike, essential as it was for marking out rank. But what if you became romantically involved with someone of title when you belonged a step lower in the hierarchy? How was it possible to make that mental switch between commander and lover, Andrew asked himself.


“What is the purpose of the expedition?” asked Andrew as he walked across the landing and entered his bedroom. James was sat in the chair beside one of the windows, perusing the bible. The irony of such a sight made Andrew snort, and James opened the drawer of the bedside table and chucked it back in.

“Word came about that one of our sloops have scouted a foreign brig travelling out of her bounds,” he said, shutting the drawer and leaning back in his chair. "We are to block her, but seeing as we do not currently have any ships within her range, what with the patrol brigs returning to dock for repairs, the Adamant shall therefore be sent out on its way again. Her captain appears most eager to take on the assignment."

“A chance to test the new frigate, then,” said Andrew as he walked over to the bed and picked up his night shirt.

“Indeed,” said James quietly, watching him as he pulled the garment over his head. "You ought to call your servants back soon," he said. "It is not healthy to live on your own."

"Do you not prefer me on my own?" countered Andrew lightly as he leant an arm against the bedpost. "I could always ask my maid to come. We could have some fun then," he said carelessly.

"No..." said James as he got up slowly from the chair and paced towards him. Andrew let his eyes close halfway as James approached and laid his hands on his hips. "This is fine."

"By all means, if it suits you, sir," he said dryly, and a crease appeared between James's eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" asked James quietly.

"However you wish it to mean," continued Andrew airily. "I don't really have a say in it either way."

James moved past him and sat down on the bed.

“If you are unhappy about my decision then say so," he muttered, tugging at his cravat.

"What difference would it make whether I'm happy or not," murmured Andrew, turning his back on him. "In all honesty I can’t help but suspect you're only anxious to see me promoted because of your own guilt-”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” said James, and Andrew turned around and leant his arm against the bedpost to watch James undoing the buttons of his waistcoat.

"Isn't that why you decided beforehand to ship me off with the Adamant?"

"I made that decision for your benefit," snapped James as he shrugged out of his waistcoat with a frown.

"Your own, rather," retorted Andrew, crossing his arms. "You want me, you don't want me, it would be good to know which exactly it is."

"It isn't as simple as your little dalliances with the maid," uttered James lowly, and Andrew snorted rudely.

"Why sir, are you jealous?"

James growled beneath his breath and stood up from the bed.

"I suggested you to the captain because it is my interest to see to it that your career does not languish on the side like those men whose lack of wisdom cut their own careers short-"

“Who needs wisdom when you only have to go and marry some filly with connections?"

"That is precisely my point."

"What, you think I won't advance in position because I refuse to marry?"

"No, but it's quite clear that-"

"I've botched my career for sodomy?"

"You're at a disadvantage."

"Ironic, that! Considering I'm fucking the commander!"

Anger flashed across James's eyes and he struck him immediately across the face. Blinking slowly at the floor, Andrew raised a hand to his cheek. Then he felt James's hands grip his shoulders and lifted his eyes to see him frowning regretfully at him.

"I...forgive me," uttered James, "I didn't mean-"

But before he could finish, Andrew seized the front of his shirt and shoved him backwards violently. With a sharp intake of breath, James stumbled against the edge of the bed and fell down onto his back. In a second Andrew had his wrists pinned to either side of his head against the sheets.

"I'm not the one at a disadvantage," he said smoothly, voice low as he watched down at James's worried expression.


"Hold your tongue," he snapped, and James looked as though he was about to say something, yet he pressed his lips together in compliance. Andrew brought his face down to his slowly. "You owe me," he murmured as he stopped short from kissing him.

"I'm sorry," James whispered, and Andrew's eyes narrowed.

"I don't want an apology," he said, voice low and dangerous. James started to look reluctant, but Andrew kissed him hungrily before he could protest.


"Wait," James gasped, and Andrew held still for a moment with an impatient sigh.

"What is it?" he breathed with his arms wound tight around James's stiff body.

"I'm not ready..."

"You're being petty-"

"I'm not," James growled under his breath stubbornly, and Andrew reached under with his hand to seize James's prick. A hand instantly darted up to grip over his.

"You're more than ready," he murmured lewdly, parting his lips to trace the back of James's ear with his tongue as he started roughly stroking him and felt the body beneath his shudder.

"I-" James started stammering when Andrew pulled out and thrusted back in. With a low cry of surprise, James pressed against the bed, but Andrew kept his grip on his hips and pulled them back to meet his building rhythm. He saw James's hands moving to clutch white-knuckled at the sheets, and Andrew could feel him tremble as he worked fast to wear down his barriers.

"Stop," he rasped, and Andrew stroked him harder and faster until a whimper slipped past James's lips involuntarily.

"Your body says different," he hissed against the back of his ear. Defeated James buried his face into the pillow as Andrew rocked against his body. They continued without speaking for a while until James finally made a stifled, choking sound, and left Andrew chasing his own completion. Another few seconds of fevered effort later he finally emptied his lust into the other and slumped down against James's back. Realising how hard he had been gripping his hips, he let go to rub gently over the angry red cresents where his nails had dug into James's skin. Panting for his breath, he heard James doing the same beneath him, and reached up to grip and squeeze one of his damp shoulders.

“James?” he murmured. The reply was muffled by the pillow. Andrew pressed a kiss to his shoulder and slowly rolled off him. As James turned away, Andrew stayed still and watched his back for a moment. He felt a pang of guilt, however, and reached out for James's waist and tucked himself up close against his back. He heard James sigh, and slowly slid his arm around him, bringing his face close and pressing his lips against the back of his neck. Listening to the steady rise and fall of James's breathing, he soon drifted off and dreamt vaguely of the Dauntless. When he opened his eyes again James had rolled over in his arms, and they now laid face to face. He could feel James's breath blowing softly against his cheek.

"When I return we must go away for a while," he whispered. "Back to England, where I can show you this place." He felt the faintest brush of fingertips against his stomach, and reached down to grip James's hand. "There's this grove, it's so quiet, we could walk forever and not see another soul."

He remembered the moonlit deck in his dream, glistening with blood. The night stopped for nothing out in the vast and hostile stretches of the sea, and he would be returning to it very soon. He pulled James's hand gently up to his lips.

"We can forget the rest," he whispered against the back of his hand, closing his eyes. "And"

Despite being so close to James, there was something which troubled Andrew deep down. Even though they'd learnt what it felt like to merge and feel themselves become one after the hard labouring between struggling bodies, James still refused to let go of his defences. Even if he was laying naked and shuddering beneath him, Andrew could not get him to bare his soul, no matter how often he would try to either persuade him with gentle words of affection or resort to an act of aggression like before. Whatever he did, James would still carry on trying to maintain some kind of professional distance between them, and though there would be moments when Andrew was apparently free to use his body, and attempt to knit their souls together in those treasured moments of bliss, James still clung stubbornly onto that safety guard, no doubt so he could hide behind it whilst puzzling out the options, the right ways to go about handling a situation as slippery as their's. It went without saying that their position was an absurd paradox. Who did they fool in their attempt to maintain that professional front towards one another even as their bodies transgressed behind closed doors? But Andrew didn't want to challenge James too much. He knew it was part of his personality to try and sort things out rationally, and by the means of his own better judgement. Even if it meant sending Andrew away.

James murmured in his sleep, interrupting his thoughts. Andrew suddenly felt afraid, and clasped James so violently to himself that he started waking up. He felt a confused muffle against his neck, but didn't let go, tightening his arms around him as though it was he who was having the nightmare.

"Andrew?" said James, voice hoarse and confused. Before he could ask what was wrong, Andrew gripped his upper arms and pressed him onto his back before kissing him long and hard. When James finally broke off to catch his breath, Andrew buried his face into his neck and started running his hands all over his body, snatching at his hair, tugging at his hips, prying at his thighs. He wanted to know James needed him, wanted to hear him groan his name as though nothing else in the world mattered. He wanted to somehow calm the turmoil in his heart before he left for his journey, and right now the only way for that to happen was if he could feel once more that crazed desperation between straining bodies, if he could somehow wrench something from those stubborn lips to fill that pained gap in his chest.

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