Dec 09, 2008 13:14
I had my cell phone stolen on Sunday and it kind of re-affirmed a notion I have about steeling. I don't have anything of material value and I honestly think it's ok for anyone to steel anything they want from me, if they need it. I remember I used to get angry when someone would take something of mine, just because it was mine. Now, when someone steels something from me, it's a pretty good indication that they need it more than I do. I say someone who steels something must really need it, because he/she had to to take quite a few risks to get to the point where they go through with steeling. The risk of getting caught by authorities and going to jail or being fined, the risk that the person who bought the item or posses it some other way won't have the attitude I do and catches them and shoots them, and the risk of being demonized by a society that looks down on steeling. I think that I would never steel something, no matter what the circumstances. However, who I am to judge? I CAN'T judge unless I'm in the exact situation that the person who stole is and that will never happen because it's impossible to have the same exact experiences as another person. The only thing I have of high monetary value is this computer and I have insurance on it. All my cloths, my bicyle, nothing has a value that is higher than $50 and most things are under $10. People who steel things from me actually do me a favor because I really do want someone in need to have my stuff and this is a quick and easy way to get it to someone and be relatively sure it's someone who needs it pretty bad.