Sep 10, 2004 01:49
today was any normal day... gettin up, eatin, goin to class, hangin and talkin with friends... after my last class of the day, i come back to my room and i check out other ppls livejournal entries... and i get informed that concetta died last week... shes dead... no more... i started to get goosebumps and the chills runnin thru my body... i was traumatized and shocked...
concetta was one of the first ppl that i talked and befriended wen arrived in rochester... her italian/korean side enterntained me all the time and her sarcasm always cracked me up...
i kinda acted a bit weird today... i guess i was bein a bit annoyin and an a bit of an asshole... i just couldnt help it cuz i didnt kno how to respond to this... i tried really hard to keep my mind preoccupied from thinkin about her...
last time i saw concetta was at the pool and she was a lifeguard while i was divin...
i got thinkin today a lot and i realized that life is very fragile and that it can be anyones last momment... i can die tomorrow or someone else close can die... that quote "sieze the momment" and "live life to the fullest" is really comin into play...
i think i should try to live life tot he fullest and seize the momment... treat everyone like their last with me... in a good way that is... tell someone that i love them and i like them... showin love and bringin happiness to everyone's lives...
i dont kno whether to feel remorse and sad or just weirded out... i dont kno wat i feel... its like all a mix... i feel quilty for not cryin and i feel guity for not feelin more like crap... i just feel shocked and weirded out and a bit downed i guess...
this is to everyone that i kno and that knos me... i m sorry for all the things that mite have ticked u off, i didnt mean to do it and i just wanna apologize... to the friends, i hope that our relationships become stronger and bring us closer and live our momments together to the fullest and just make sure that we wont be regrettin in the end... i hope that all our momments in our lives will be happy and jubliant...
well thats all i m gonna say for now... i hope to God that where ever concetta is that He will take care of her... rest in peace concetta... we will always remember u and in our hearts...