Jul 27, 2008 13:47
Last night = epic fail for me. I hate dreams that make you wake up totally confused and weird. Dreams you think about all day... but that you like anyway. :P
So in my dream, I was in a kind of school, I think. I started to talk to people 'hi, what's up bla bla bla', like if I was super popular. Then, someone called me and I turned my head: the Run&Gun + Matsu-chan were sitting on a little wall, all dressed up as Bacchus. @_@ Ryuji told me that they were sad because I was acting like I didn't know them lately, and I had to reassure them that they were still my friends and all, while I greeted each of them in the French way of saying hello. Kind of weird already, but there's more. After all the bla bla bla with R&G, guess who came? Yes, yes, you're right, KenKen. And from here, it totally confused me. XD So it seemed that I already knew him, but something happened between us and we hadn't talked since forever. (Something like that, I didn't understand everything. *laughs*) But then he had a shy smile, and he hugged me. O_O And while I was all happy to have made up with him, I also thought that "omg, I hope none of his fans will see us, or they'll hate me again". XDDDD
And I woke up. Just thinking about it is making me all...fuzzy. But yeah, do you think it's a sign to make me feel guilty to have sold my stuff? XD;
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