Siren's Pull Character Information

Jan 26, 2009 17:24

Player Information

Name: Tori
AIM SN: graceoflions/thelastrobotica
email: tori.bear(at)
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yep. For as long as LJ is old, and then some.
Currently Played Characters: Claudio and Himawari. Nami makes three.

Character Information

Canon Source: One Piece
Canon Format: Manga mostly. + Game Import (see history)
Character's Name: Nami
Character's Age: 19 or 20... with time in the port, a few jump around in history and back she's 19 in age and 20 in 'years'

What form will your character's NV take? Originally she has a Den-Den Mushi NetVice, which was a small fake snail and a paper journal. A bit to carry around and while it was a lot like things she had at home and worked fine, it was changed to a Log Pose on her return. Much like a friend of hers has, the Log Pose is a bubble like compass strapped to her wrist. She had it in her possessions that were kept at St. Edelweiss as well as Rosenhan Clinic. It does everything a normal NV does, with a tiny slide out keyboard under the bubble. It does voice, video and holo.
See Icon

Character's Canon Abilities: First, her strongest skill is that of navigating as well as cartography. To quote Arlong “I have sought navigators throughout the world but no one draws a map as accurate as her. She is very talented.” And it's true too. It is said she is the third smartest person in the East Blue, one of the best cartographers on the seas, and a navigator to be matched by nearly no one.

She is capable of making advanced equations in a few minutes to determine the proper course of action to get her and her ships crew out of harms way, sail the fastest currents and get the ship to the right locations. She has an interesting ability to sense the changes of weather and tides, the seas currents and other ever changing weather patterns. When a storm or cyclone comes she will have already felt it coming before anyone else. Because of this she can use this in her navigation skills to keep her and her people safe.

Although she can pull off the advanced equations and navigation skills, she tends to write things down as she plots it all out. She has a very good memory for images when making maps, but she has no trust in her memory for the problems, thus always writing them down, taking notes and making sure the locations she's predicting are indeed right. It's more out of necessity to make it right and not leave openings for mistakes then not being able to. On that note, her memory, although not photographic, is considered very extremely sharp when it comes to remembering things she’s seen. This gives her an advantage when drawing charts and maps. Out of habit and easy, when she's bored she draws maps, even if they aren’t needed. After all, her lot in life is to draw a map of the world in every detail she can.

Nami is also an excellent thief and pickpocket, being able to swiftly swipe small things from a person with out them knowing at all until either she tells them or much later when they notice the object missing. Her sticky fingers has helped her filch many of Beli in her attempt to gather money to buy back her village. On occasion she has even gone to the point of cunning that she’s stolen full ships from pirates and people. For the longest time she hated pirates, thus working with them to find treasure, then stealing it behind their backs. She's known as a Cat burglar because of this, and a damned good one at that.

She's not much of a fighter, as said before, normally manipulating someone else to take charge and fight her battles. Or if it's really bad off, she tends to run away and let others deal with that kind of battle. At least she used to. She doesn't always run, and since she got a weapon of her own, the Clima-tact, she will stand and take her own fights more often then not. Though not a fighter and no formal training, she has a good hand for a Bo staff or the Clima-Tact and can defend herself fairly well.

Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? She technically doesn't have a super power, with all that was said above that is. She's a normal human with no devil powers or anything super natural. With this in mind and considering her talents for understanding the weather already I'd just like to slowly boost that and say her dormant power is in fact a control of weather. She'd do it with her Clima-tact like normal, but as time goes on I'd like her to find out that she can do the same thing she does now, but naturally and on her own. Nothing major and not a huge change as she doesn't need it, but it would be a useable dormant power that can grow with time.

Weapons: Clima-Tact:
At first she relied on a bo staff to help defend herself, but after a while she needed a better weapon, one which Usopp made her called a Clima-Tact (Later upgraded to a Perfect Clima-Tact). At first it seems like a useless party trick contraption, shooting weird coco birds from it, and blowing bubbles and things, but she soon learned the real power of the staff, unlocking it's full potential to fight for herself. After Skypia and learning what 'dials' were, Usopp upgraded her weapon, leading to a much more powerful and devastating effects.

Each piece of the Clima-tact can make a bubble of air, each with its own properties. When the pieces are combined in different combinations and activated by pushing the right button they make very different results. Nami has played around with these bars, changing them into many different forms and creating different effects throughout the series.

With the power of the different poles and three different balls (heat, cool and thunder) she can cause many different weather attacks, such as cyclones, thunderbolts, tornadoes, fog, thunder storms and even mirages that make odd shaped clones of herself. All with a bit of creativity and her extensive knowledge of the weather, she had come to be the master of the Clima-tact to the point it appears that she knows magic.

More information in a much more detailed feel can be found here: OP Wiki on Clima-Tact

Character History: One Piece Wiki History All the info one needs to know on Nami. A more detailed history can be given upon request, but the wiki has it down very well.

Point in Canon: I'll be taking her from after the Incident at Sabaody Archipelago, five days after Bartholomew Kuma sends her (and the others) flying and away from her nakama, and a bit after waking up on Weatheria Island. Also known as “The very last time she was seen again, sob!”

Edit: This is the exact same point I pulled her from at St. Edelweiss. In this ‘canon update’ she will be sent back to that point, taken to St. Edelweiss, run through those 30 some odd days as if it were her continued history, to bring her back to Siren’s Port, just like any other canon update. Her history will be updated to those events and her memories of the Port will stay in tact. There is no screwy time issues in her time line.

Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: For this canon update I will be importing her with an extra month of strange game play from two games (one was a continuation of the other). My reason for taking her from both games is because the first one was highly horrific and she would have to have a lot of help to heal her. The second game was a short continuation of the first that ‘fixed’ some of the physical issues she suffered from the first but also leaves him with the same memories and mishaps.

stedelweiss - Tag List & Log List This doesn’t seem to be a complete list of her tags, but at the time there was no tag system.

Though I played Nami there for months she personally only spent approximately 30 days there (exact dates have been lost since dropping). She believes it was a very long month trapped in this hell. The game ran at 7=1 days. A vast amount of things happened within that time.

St. Edelweiss was an asylum game. Characters appeared in a cell mysteriously one day, told they are insane, that a loved one checked them in and that they would receive treatment. It was a cold, old, broken, archaic form of treatment. The doctors were more messed up then the people and life was lived out in your cell, escaping into the halls, or in therapy. Therapy tended to be painful and traumatic, causing more problems then fixing them; some doctors delighted more in the mental torture and freedom to harm then they did in curing anyone.

Timeline: This might be a little off as some of the logs are missing or just very hard to find now, but I will attempt to draw up a simple timeline of events. The game was set up at 7=1, so a lot happened in a ‘day’. She arrived at day 15, so I will document that along with her days before it. The numbers are not ‘dates’ but days. Names that are in strike outs just means she wont remember why they are in Siren’s Port. The events she will remember but not the names and faces.

1/15 - Arrived in a holding cell, alone for the day. The intercom system informs her of what the situation is. She’s locked in a holding room for the rest of the day. It was late evening.

2/16 - She decides it’s time to explore and find her way out. Within hours she’s able to walk around. She ran into someone else who showed up that day. A guy in a wheelchair (Sora Takeuch). Exploring continues.

3/17 - Wandering, mapping the place out and testing the waters. She meets (John Constantine) and realizes just how bad off the situation is. A lot of people are sick and hurt here.

4/18 - Meets (Axel) and (Farfarello) to find out that some of the people here really ARE insane (or so she feels). They had a cake mold baby in their more then thrashed room. Walking was made difficult as there were splinters from a broken bed all over. Night Therapy begins as well. She’s put on the list. Assistant (Eric Cartman) cattle prods her into submission and drags her to Doctor (Voldemort) for her first therapy. She learns that she is in for Anorexia Nervosa, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder and Kleptomania. The Doctor attempts treatment but it comes in more of a form of torture. Forced to eat parts of (Four Siblings from beyond a wardrobe) humans she had never seen or heard of, her torture therapy turned into cannibalism. Magic form a wand was used.

5/19 - She is returned to her cell room where she is currently staying alone. She is sick, vomiting, the humans food not settling well in her system. Two people (Doumeki Shizuka) & (Link) tried to help her get better. Finding her water and helping clean up her room a bit.

6/20 - Still sick and cold but holding herself together, she joins (Miles Edgeworth) in the search for Jack Kelly, who they find knocked out and hurt. They haul him back to (Edgeworth’s) cell to try and take care of him. Though the boy is on the Staff there he’s still a great help to those locked away and treated badly. A voice of the people. A friend.

7/21 - A girl (Claire Bennet) was hung up, bleeding for everyone to see or take her blood. It seemed to have healing proprieties. She went as support to Yuffie Kisaragi. They collected blood, tested it on Yuffie, and took it back to help heal friends of hers (Reeve) & Jack.

8/22 - People are getting better, but she’s still feeling sick from tharpy. Giving the chance to take a shower she jumps at it, only to run into (Axel) there. Over 8 days she had become cautious of her appearance because of treatments and not eating. His frustrating attitude actually has her playing at modest and annoyed.

9/23 - Assigned a real room with a room mate, the first guy she met when she was here. The guy in the wheelchair. She’s cautious of him, but likes him. She’s trying to eat again, because ‘friends’ are poking at her to do so.

10/24 - She was called up on a list for therapy once again. Sulking and dreading what might go on. This time she is pulled in for a duel therapy meeting. (Miles Edgeworth) is strapped to a chair. The two assistants (Paul Morlock) & (Gary Smith) are running it on their own, attempting to cure her of her nasty habits of being reckless, claiming to be a pirate, and forcing her to shoot the other fellow. She shoots at (Miles Edgeworth) in the arm to make them stop shooting him. Weak, she missed and actually got his heart, killing him.
She is sent back to her cell in utter shock about what happened, screaming the entire way there. The rest of the cells hear about what has happened, upsetting the masses. Trying to hide she leaves her cell and sneaks off to find (Axel’s) cell, finding him with his treatment that day had given him a heart. He was in a lot of pain. She hid out in his cell trying to help calm him down with the help of Matt.

11/25 - Paranoid, she stays in hiding as best she can and doesn’t talk much on the intercoms. Yuffie hunts her down and talks to her, being the first of the group of people to forgive her, even though ti wasn’t her fault. Yuffie was having nightmares, as was she, so the girl helped hide Nami in her room and they helped each other with that.

15/29 - Somewhere between that next week (Edgeworth) was brought back to life (aka wasn’t ‘dead’) . She managed to tearfully apologize to him and he forgave her. She still felt uncomfortable with the situation but the forgiveness helped. It wasn’t her fault. At this time she also was given a new roommate with (Chikane), a girl this time. This was now a smaller cell for Danger Lvl Two patients. She was considered a dangerous girl now.

16/30 - (Sho) made a ‘art’ pile of stolen things from everyone, in the showers/bathrooms. Nami lost a little clay frog to him, that (Link) made him. She wanted it back. Jack Kelly was working on cleaning the pile and finding his things as well. She came to help, awkwardly talking to the boy, getting her frog back and slowly making things right with Jack again.

18/32 - She’s been skirting around, healing, trying to get better. Busted her hand on an intercom, and is trying to keep her anger under control so the doctor doesn’t come to give her treatments again. She meets with (John Constantine) in his cell, catching him vomiting, very sick. She wants to help him, and he confesses he’s sick, but there isn’t much she can do.

20/34 - While a lot of stuff had been going on to others, she had been slipping under the radar of and on by sleeping. She had been doing lots of sleeping the past few days, off and on. Sick, tired, in mild pain and just trying to stay out of the radar of the staff. Jack comes to check on her at her cell. Any time she gets quiet they worry.

22/36 - Forced to go to ‘dance therapy’ in order to help some form of her so called disorders. She finds this to be the most ridiculous thing she has ever been put thought, but at least it wasn’t torture with a doctor. She’s still suffering from needing rest and sleep.

23/37 - By now she had broken her own fingers on the intercom by hitting it, had breaking her fingers. She found (Naruto) hitting a wall much like she had. The cell beside her that held (The god, Anubis) & ( the freak Shira). The boy was close to one of them, her “wall mate”. She sat in the hall with the boy and talked for a while, making another strong friend. The two flirted with each other but neither of them really meant it. With him she felt a bit like herself self at least.
Later that day she held a very long and very creepy conversation with (Shira). Though she was glad that (Anubis) was next door and that she would see more of (Naruto), to have (Shira) there bothered her a lot, for both her and (Chikane).

24/38 - She sneaks out of her cells late that night, mostly wanting to get away from the creeping eyes and whispering voice of (Shira). She goes to check on (Edgeworth) who was hurt. She forced him to let her check bandages, starting to pick up a habit of nursing and mother hening people now. He was mad her her sneaking around and possibly getting into trouble, but she didn't care and needed to get somewhere she felt safe. Conversations about him getting hurt, her shooting him, and her needing to eat come up. A lot of awkward.
Shortly after Nurse jack goes to take Nami back to her cell but instead takes her to teach her to dance instead. Using her ‘dance therapy’ as an excuse he takes her somewhere and the two talk and dance.
Late that evening she also managed to speak with (Anubis) about (Shira) being a creeper and about maps and mapping out the asylum.

25/39 - The day before (Reeve) was called in for therapy, only to return late the next morning. Her mother hening kicked in again, and seeing as by now she had been sneaking, stealing and hording bandages and things she managed to get his permission to help clean and bandage him up. Thus meeting (Reeve) face to face as well as (Hige) and Sasuke. She offered to help get them things as well, seeing as Sasuke at the time was missing his eyes and Reeve was hurt. She’s much softer now, attempting to stay out of trouble, not be heard so much, and help those who she can help.
Meanwhile, that evening she requests from Jack if he can find her paper. She needs it to work on her secret maps for her and (Anubis). Jack, trying to protect people, snapped and bickered, telling her (and others) off. Instead, as a surprise, (Cloud Strife) comes to bring her paper. She gains another ‘employee’ (Zack Fair being the first) and lets Cloud be her bodyguard as she explores and maps the place late at night.

26/40 - Jack Kelly’s plan to make everyone hate him and back away kicks into extremes. Nami runs into him in a hall, pissed, hurt, tired and draws back to slap him, storming off. She was upset with herself for letting him get close to her to begin with. This starts her trying to distance herself from others as well. She slowly starts returning to a sleeper stage of life, going out only at night when the doors are open so (Shira) can’t get to her.
To make matters worse... (Luffy) showed up. A member of her crew, her captain. He was now trapped in this hell. She was already upset because of Jack but more so because this idiot was meant to save her and not get caught here. Yuffie comes to check on her and talk. They realize that Yuffie was one on staff and could help lend information that Nami couldn’t map out before.

27/41 - She at last goes to meet with (Luffy) and to check on him, bringing him her food because he’s so hungry. He has a fit, seeing how his navigator has been treated. He vows to try and get them out of this place, determined to do something stupid and get them killed, she is sure. She convinces him to settle down, eat and think first.
Later she meets with (Fran [khr]) who is new and decides to explore with him. The two run into some trouble with security while snooping someplace they shouldn’t have been. (Fran [khr]) gets jumped, hurt badly. He told Nami to run but she stayed to try and fight. She ended up knocked out and taken back to her cell with broken ribs and a few bruises. (Cloud) finds her later and while she sleeps calls for Jack Kelly to come help, knowing Nami was pissed at him. Jack had gotten into a fight with (Edgeworth) the day before and looked like hell. Thought Nami didn’t want to see him she was concerned about him when she saw. The two boys helped patch her up again.

29/43 - Trying to rest it all off she has gone silent again on the intercom, trying not to upset (Luffy) more then she thought he would be. She’s keeping from him what happened so not to upset him more. (Cloud) & (Zach) have come to check on their ‘boss’ Nami, alternating shifts on who is keeping an eye on her. She had confessed to (Cloud) that (Shira) scared her and she didn’t want to sit there alone, so they didn’t let her be alone.

30/44 - She’s not sure who or why but someone, or someones were running around tagging people with balls of paint. She got hit with a orange glob in the hurt ribs and raged for a moment. It was clear that everyone was being hit by the assassins playing games.
Meanwhile (Shira) happens to be near, watching her at the chance he got while no one is there. Talking to her as if they were friends. Creeper creeps her out more. Luffy on the other hand has gone really silent. She’s worried the idiot is hurt somewhere and tries looking for him.

31/45 - See Rosenhan Clinic History for continued history...

rosenhanclinic - Tag List & Log List

Rosenhan Clinic was a mysterious new location. A clinic in modern times located on an island somewhere lovely, clean and safe. Only about half of the people from St. Edelweiss found their way here, though the location was surrounded by a strange mystery. When they first arrived they were all locked in clean, large, comfortable bedrooms and asked to enjoy a clean safe breakfast while they did some work on something in the place. There were no doctors, there were no pains or hurts, or wounds, or scars, or anything that said they had been at St. Edelweiss anyhow. It felt like a trick to the mind.

There were three stories going around. Some people said they got to leave, to escape and were given permission to go home. Some perished, or thought they did, in a large fire that took over the place. Nami, along with a few of her friends, all remembered a riot. In this riot Nami ran into a gruesome man named (Shira) who she had already been freaked out about, having ran into him one too many time in the depths of hell that was called St. Edelweiss. For the Riot, when she ran into him, and she has never confessed it, but he hurt her, badly. He did what he wanted and then left her for dead in the riots. She didn’t remember anything else after that. I consider the riots to be day 31/45 in her time line.

When she woke up with a start she was confused, but felt better. She was no longer sick feeling. no longer hurting. The memories of St. Edelweiss were there, clear, strong and painful, but she had an appetite once more, no broken ribs, no broken hand or fingers. No scars or wounds of any kind. It made her question if Edelweiss was even real, because how to you lose scars over night like that. Everyone else remembered however, but some people had different thoughts. It made her wonder if it was all a trick or if they all just shared a dream.

These times were very confusing. They were also told, after a while, that they were delusional, and picked up all of their stories from a book. It was hard to take and very confusing.

Timeline Continued:
32/1 - Waking up later then others, she’s confused and worried about her friends. However most of them are there and those she is scared of are not. Only some of them remember the riots at the other place. At this point (Edgeworth) starts taking names and locations, to which she makes (Edgeworth) and Jack pick a last name for her. Jack gives her the rights to use the last name of Jacobs (a dear and close friend of his). Now she takes to being called Nami Jacobs. Meeting up with people is helpful and it’s good to see everyone healthy, though it feels like they are all more insane now then before. (Cloud) however is no where to be found, nor is (Cloud). She is told to give it three days, but it’s hard to wait that long with out knowing.

33/2 - The staff returns. All seeming far too loving and caring and trying to HELP then they should. No one is comfortable ,especially not Nami. However (Cloud) has woke up at last so some comfort has been brought from that.

34/3 - Beach Party. A pleasant little event that the staff put on in attempt to let the patients relax and calm down a little more. Nami’s permitted to be in the ocean again, which does in fact calm her drastically. She and Jack Kelly talk. She attempts to teach him to swim but fails.

35/4 - The “book” was found, which started the story that they were all just delusional and making up stories from this book. This also began the sudden crack down, therapeutic measures to help people stop remembering Edelweiss and ‘heal’ once again.

36/5 - She is called upon for therapy with Doctor (Voldemort), something she pouts up a fight over, not wanting to go. Jack convinces her not to fight. She’s escorted off to see the doctor...

Only to return to Siren’s Pull before hand, crash landing into the baseball field, dressed in her cut off shorts, top and bikini top once again.

Since being in Sirens Port she has spent her time studying the unknown world, running a business with her crew mates and working with other newcomers at their establishments. She’s run herself ragged and hardly has time for anything other then taking care of her crew as well as her own life.

She has developed abilities to cause weather changes even with out the ClimaTact, but she keeps it on her most of the time anyhow.

With her return to the city she will remember the past events of when she was here before like anyone else who might be ‘canon updated’. These memories will help balance out the fear she held in the others places, but it will also give her more to research now while here. More to look into. She will have more of a desire to get involved in helping other people as well.

Character Personality: Nami is generally a greedy, brilliant, bossy and a talented young woman who will go to any means to get what she wants or protect those she loves. She's a skilled swimmer, navigator and cartographer who can sense the changing weathers and tides. The girl has very little modesty, wearing short and sometimes overly skimpy clothing, showing off her body a bit more then some people would do. She has no problem using her body to get what she wants but she also has no problem with going off on people who look at her body (generally because then she could charge them. Oh profit! $_$!)

She has been known to be self sacrificing in the fact that she gave up her childhood to try and buy back her village on her own. Because of her past with Arlong and her tragic childhood and being poor, Nami has grown a strong love of money in any form. Even the smallest task will get her attention for the right price. She will do almost anything for money, but the one thing she wont do is sell out her friends. Not anymore. There is no sum big enough for her to give up her friends anymore.

Friends are everything now, and she loves them almost as much as she loves her family back on Cocoyashi Island. Out of all of her crew mates, Luffy is the one she will support the most, even if she seems really annoyed with him a lot of the time, smashing her heel into his head and such. He's the one that freed her, making her respect him most out of anyone right now. She finds him utterly helpless at times, stupid, ignorant to the situations but... she has a real soft spot for him and thinks he's a really good captain.

As for others of the crew, Zoro, she thinks can be a hard headed ass who's only good at sleeping, Usopp is more crowdly then she is, Sanji is easy to manipulate, Chopper easy to scare, Frankie and Brooke she's still not too sure on but is highly sure they are a pair of perverts. In general... even for all the faults she sees in them, she has faults too and knows it. They might frustrate her at times, but she'd not trade them in for anything. As for Robin, she being the only other girl on the ship, she likes having her around. She thinks of the older woman as almost a older sister and very much enjoys sitting with her, shopping, chatting about the idiocy of their crew and lounging around as Sanji brings them drinks.

Nami is considered one of the top smartest people in the East Blue (the artist has said she's the 3rd smartest in the sea, behind two older and smarter men only). She's the brains of the ship most the time, helping bring about plans to get form location to location, treasure to treasure. She's also the ships quartermaster and budget commander. Any time she sees the crew trying to squander the lovely hard earned money on stupid things she has a small horror fit to herself, unable to believe they would just toss it all away so easy. Then again... she does have a clothing fetish of her own.

Most of her money goes to clothing and other fashion accessories that make her happy. She's been known to go into really fancy stores and try on nearly everything, making it look like she's going to buy everything she tries on, taking the complements and giggling about this and that, only to walk out of the store saying "Thanks, but I think I’ll go find something more casual" and leaves. Generally she then goes to a smaller more casual wear store and buys out half the items with very little regard to how much she's spending.

When it comes to fighting, Nami is very much a coward and tends to find ways to make others fight for her, though this has been slowly changing through out the series as she herself has started to grow up. She’s learned to fight with the Clima-Tact and weather, and though she's not the strongest fighter, still rather weak and more of a straightest then anything, she can still hold her own. If she can sneak out of a fight first, she will, but if her friends are in danger she will put on a brave front, grab her Clima-tact and defend them as best as she can.

When faced with great danger Nami has been known to look for the best and fastest way out of it, as she's really not much into putting her life on the line or anything. That being said, she tends to have her life on the line often, as do most of the crew members. She's been seen stabbing herself in the hand to fake a death (For Usopp, early on) in order to save someone. She's also stabbed herself in the shoulder, taken some really hard hits and in general seen a lot of pain; all of this leading to the idea that she's not an ordinary woman and can handle a little pain here and there. Sure, it hurts, it affects her just like normal people, but she can handle it and when the time is really needed, she can take it with out a sound.

When situations change suddenly she tends to take it badly, becoming loud, easily scared and also easy to anger, though after she gets her barring she tends to settle into her surrounds better. In example, from where I am taking her from, she lands on a sky island and has a small panic fit when she wakes up because she has no clue where she is, what has happened, who the old man is and most importantly where her friends are. She doesn't like being alone anymore, which is on of her biggest changes. After spending so much time with the loud obnoxious crew of pirates, spending time alone and separated from them bothers her.

Conditional: Personality development in previous game: She’s still strong minded and loud, but while at St. Edelweiss she was much more reckless at times, louder and more stubborn, but also a lot more scared, a lot more hurt and easily broken once they got to her. She moved to sleeping to deal with her issues and attempts to escape the reality of the situation. She lost control often and raged or yelled when she was upset. She broke her own hand once on a speaker system because she hit it.

She’s more short tempered then before, but it stems from being a caged animal, trapped in a place she can’t get out. There were times when modesty actually hit her rather hard as well, which is a little uncharacteristic of her, to say the least. Part of that issue comes from Shira and the advances he pushed on her and how she was dressed. Part of it was the dehumanization of being stripped of all clothing come wash day, and part of it comes from her own vanity and the fact that her body image was... disgusting to her. Bothered her.

There was a lack of control that made things very hard to deal with. The lack of control was actually something that pushed her to her worst most of the time. At least on the sea at home she had some form of control over the water, the weather, her personal space, her things, her issues. She knew how to handle herself, and even when she was younger and trapped with the Arlong pirates she still managed to keep some form of control, even if she was just making that up some how. In these places however all forms of control were taken away and when you tried to take some back you got wounded.

Sometimes she comes off as a bit desperate or drastic when it comes to friends, or even those she feels aren’t strong enough to defend themselves. She picked up a really heavy habit of Mother Hening people who were hurt, mostly because she wanted to be useful. She wanted, after a while, to be helpful to people and stop making them worry about her. She started to calm down more (unless her fears struck her) and tried to take care of others.

These are the biggest changes, though with taking her from Rosenhan Clinic as well she is healthier in body and not as scared. Her mental fears are still there how ever and she’s twice as confused as before, but getting to the port and meeting others from this time will help make sure she isn’t as insane as they told her she was.

Character Plans: First I want her to find her nakama, her friends or any crew that show up in the city. If any of them end up here she will want to find them and make sure they are safe as well as make them keep her safe. She will also be the one trying to keep all of them in line. Make sure they get jobs as well as herself, make sure they have money and a place to live and be safe. She'll also be the voice of reason to prod and poke them into trying to do something to get them out of there!

On her own she will definitely find an interesting job, go about trying to map out in detail the city and island it's self. Look for ways out of the city, and try to weight her options on which side is the lesser of two evils. She won’t want to join either side, but if the choice would have to be made, AGI would be where she will go. In general though she's rather have nothing to do with any of it.

I'd like her to interact with others as well, and once she is settled in to the place she will be one of those people who talks on the NV’s to newcomers or others just out of boredom. She's not fond of silence, and so if she’s alone in a place at night she's going to be trolling the NVs a lot.

EDIT: With canon updating she will be a bit more talkative, a bit more careful and will indeed want to stay as neutral as possible. She might find herself in more of the city action and less with staying cautious and to herself/her crew. She will actually want to fight more for others as well as her crew. This canon update will help break her out of her current rut in game. She has Brooke’s to take care of, working for Sam as well, but she will also want to be involved in things now.

Appearance/PB: General Appearance, Current Appearance in Manga, Current Appearance Anime, And See Icons...

ooc, app

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