route_29 APP

Nov 02, 2011 00:00

Name: Redd
Livejournal Username: pokerap
AIM/MSN: AIM: writersblockredd
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: Frank Archer (FullMetal Alchemist 2003 anime). Both Archer and Sloth are from FullMetal Alchemist, but since Sloth is from the manga they would have no reason to interact, and there would be no chance of playercesting.

Name: Sloth
Series: FullMetal Alchemist
Timeline: Chapter 66, after being frozen.
Canon Resource Links: FMA Wiki.

Personality: From his name, it's rather obvious just what Sloth is like; he's apathetic toward everything and everyone and finds everything simply too bothersome. To say he's lazy would be a gross understatement. He is, however, forced to contiuously work for Father and the Homunculi beneath Amestris, building a tunnel that circles the entire country. Sloth complains a good deal about his task, but he never actually attempts to get out of it. This is mostly because that would require too much effort and his task really isn't all that difficult for him in the first place.

Intelligence-wise, Sloth is also rather slow. He's not very bright and rarely bothers to think things through. Due to the fact that he's been working on the tunnel beneath Amestris for the past hundred years, his knowledge of events in his world is severely limited to what Pride has told him. That said, he doesn't particularly care about anything that's happened outside of his own work and events that affect Father and the Homunculi. Sloth isn't a complete idiot, however. He does attempt to plan out a strategy to confront Olivier Armstrong later in the manga, though that doesn't end very well. Sloth doesn't really think for himself and relies on being told what to do in order to function - otherwise he would simply prefer to sleep, as everything else requires too much effort. Pride is usually the one to boss him around, though Sloth will also take orders from most of the other Homunculi and of course, Father.

When it comes to Father and his "siblings," Sloth is actually quite loyal. He only follows the orders given to him by the other Homunculi or Father. General Raven has to actively mention Pride's name in order to get Sloth to continue working. Like the other Homunculi, he holds the same beliefs towards humans - that they're weak and insignifigant; though he also finds them bothersome and ridiculously resiliant. While Sloth doesn't show much emotion at all in the manga, he is actually capable of caring about others - assuming those others are his "siblings" and Father. That doesn't mean he won't complain about whatever he's being asked to do, however.

Strengths/Weaknesses: ✔ Sloth's has several abilities that stem from being a Homunculus. He has greatly enhanced strength (capable of tearing through rocks and steel without any sort of pain or injuries), enhanced durability (capable of taking bullets without notice), and greatly enhanced speed when he actually chooses to use it. He also has the ability to regenerate like the rest of his "siblings," though Sloth's regeneration rate is much slower than that of his kin. Obviously these abilities will be dulled down or not present at all in Route; he will still be quite strong, durable, and speedy when he puts his mind to it, but he won't be able to regenerate.
✔ Sloth is loyal to those he trusts. Granted, he won't want to do any real work for them, but if it comes down to someone threatening his brothers, sister, or Father, he will take action and fight back. This makes him a perfectly useful guard dog... except when he's sleeping.
✔ Despite never wanting to work, Sloth will do what he's told and not argue about it. He'll complain, yes, but he never questions orders otherwise. He spent a hundred years working on the tunnel beneath Amestris with only minor complaining. He is more willing to do work for his family than anyone else, of course. Sloth is very good at what he's ordered to do - it usually requires his massive strength or impressive speed.
✔ Sloth can adapt to situations with ease. This is mostly because he's pretty clueless about his surroundings most of the time (and doesn't know much about the changes in Amestris in the past hundred years), but it works well in this new situation. He won't be asking many questions and just going with the flow here.
✘ As his name implies, Sloth is lazy. He won't do any work if he's not pushed into doing it. Likewise he won't train his Pokémon unless someone is constantly telling him to do it.
✘ Sloth doesn't like talking to those he doesn't know. It's too bothersome and he really doesn't care about anyone but his family. He may eventually warm up to people...!
✘ Sloth doesn't have much in the way of a personality in the manga. He's apathetic towards nearly everything and everyone, which makes him a little hard to work with as a roleplayer. That's alright though; he'll have several of his siblings in Route to start out with, so he can branch out and meet new people!
✘ Sloth doesn't ever really think for himself. He does what others tell him to do (while complaining), but he never actually knows what he would prefer to do (besides sleep). Throw him into a brand new situation where he's not being bossed around and he'll most likely have no idea what to do with himself for several weeks. But that's fine, he can derp at his brothers and sister over the network!

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer
Starter: Slowpoke♀
Password: Taco Bell

First Person Sample: [Sloth woke up in a strange room, in a tiny bed, with someone shouting for him to come downstairs; that he needed to leave and go off on his journey. So he did as the asked, tromping down the stairs and staring blankly at the lady before him, holding out a backpack (that was far too small in comparison to Sloth's bulk), and something she called a PokéGear. Then she sent him outside, telling him that his momma loves him, before slamming the door behind him.]

[Sloth stands outside with that blank look still on his face. Finally he tests the Gear, pushing the buttons to see what it does. The feed clicks on then, with Sloth's face very close to the camera.]

...What does this... do?

[He turns it over so the Gear is looking at the ground. Sloth's train of thought seems to have derailed, for when he next speaks, he's on a different topic entirely.]

...I don't... have a mom... There's... Father... but no mother.

[He sounds completely perplexed at this, and finally the PokéGear is set aside on the ground so it's looking up at him. Sloth opens the bag and glances through the things inside for a moment before pulling out a red-and-white ball. He drops it to the ground - expecting it to bounce, of course - but instead it emits a red light and out comes a small, pink Pokémon. A Slowpoke.]

What just... happened...? What... are you?

[Sloth crouches down to get a better look at the thing, and it turns to him and finally smiles, stating its species name happily. Sloth is silent for a very long time before picking the pink thing up and settling it on his shoulder.]

I will call you... Slow. We should go look... for someplace to sleep.

[The Slowpoke nods in agreement and Sloth retrieves the bag, Pokéball, and the PokéGear, accidentally cutting off the feed as he does so.]

Third Person Sample: ...Well, this wasn't what he was expecting.

Granted, he probably should have thought about it considering the name, but here he was now, nearly up to his knees in friendly Slowpokes. The one on his shoulder seemed pleased enough, and was now scrambling to get down. Sloth picked her up and held her, tilting his head at the others.

"What are these? They look... like you, Slow." She nodded in response and wriggled again to get down. Sloth didn't put her down - how would he tell her apart from all of these others? He couldn't lose the Pokémon he started with, now could he? It wasn't like he had any others. Slow was perfectly fine with him. She was kind of adorable - not that Sloth would admit that aloud, of course.

"This is bothersome..." He leaned over to try to shoo the Slowpoke away, but Slow took that chance to jump out of his arms and slip into the crowd. Sloth glanced up and realized he couldn't tell her apart from the rest of them. That's what he had feared (assuming Sloth could be bothered to "fear" anything). "Slow? Slow where are you?"

The Pokémon continued to stare at Sloth with their derpy expressions. After a moment of picking Slowpoke up and guessing that they weren't his, Sloth finally crashed to the ground, sitting with his elbows on his knees. Luckily, he didn't sit on any Slowpoke, they had managed to get out of the way somehow, despite their lack of speed. "Slow... do you... want to stay here? I don't understand. I thought... you liked me."

But looking around at the Slowpoke, Sloth realized something important. They were probably Slow's family. Family must be as important to Pokémon as it is to Homunculi, he thought. "...I understand, Slow. You can stay here." There was a long moment of silence before Sloth got to his feet, reaching for the bag that currently had a Slowpoke sitting on it. He nudged the creature off and slung the bag over his shoulder. "...I... will miss you, Slow. You have been... a very good... friend." Sloth never showed much emotion, but for that one moment he actually looked sad - but that moment ended when he turned around and started for the ladder leading out of the Slowpoke Well.

He didn't get very far before suddenly there was something tugging at his pants, wanting to be let up. Sloth looked down at the Slowpoke, who was now attempting to scramble up his leg (and failing miserably). "Slow?"

She responded with the usual "Slow... po!" and Sloth reached down to scoop her up, cuddling her for a moment before letting her take her usual place on his shoulder. "...Thank you... friend."


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