[006] In which everything seems to annoy Naminé

Apr 09, 2007 00:14

Naminé is not having a very good day. Sure, everyone goes through their own bad days, but it's very rare for the soft-spoken, gentle-natured blonde to have one of her own. But, it happens, and it's happening to her right now.

Let us start from the beginning.

When she 'woke' up that morning -- in Kairi's body -- she was more aware of herself and everything that she was and wasn't. It wasn't so much a thought that saddened her and brought her to the sort of depression she otherwise might have felt. Instead it only made her restless, longing for the chance to be herself, heart or no heart.

Throughout the long and gruelling day, helping Kairi with her art homework, and some of the maths, she looked forward to the night when she could find her way back to Milliways Bar and thus, to Riku. It's been a while since she'd seen Riku -- her Riku. (Not the one that thought it'd be funny to throw bits of sand at Kairi earlier in the day and tease her. For some odd reason, what future!Riku did bothered her.) Leaving an exchange of notes and waiting in the bar for the off-chance that he might show up was tiring, and she missed him so much. So much that it irritated her that she missed him that much. She was restless and bored and her drawing couldn't satisfy her.

Night finally came, and with it the hope to return to Milliways. But when she sat at Kairi's desk to draw the opening doorway (as per usual), the great misfortune of the broken pencil befell her. Under any normal circumstance, this wouldn't bother her. She is a patient girl, and it takes a lot for something to grate on her nerves...but tonight was not the same. Tonight...she was annoyed.

Eventually, using the chipped off piece of lead, she managed to conjure the image of the bar's door. It looked horrible but it was The Door, and she stepped through it.

She found her usual comfy armchair by the fireplace and settled herself within it, bringing her legs up towards her chest and wrapping her arms around them. She stared at the fire blankly, disappointed to find that Riku was no where to be found. It was probably a selfish thing to think, but she didn't understand why he couldn't be here when she wanted him to be. And then her next thought was why he had to be so mean (and not to mention, immature) towards Kairi in the future.

So there is Naminé in the bar, sitting by the fire, alone and...perhaps brooding in her own way. There is no sketchpad with her and she's merely watching the flames lick at the wooden logs.

namine, milliways, riku

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