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We Campaign Blog Keeping the Pressure on ABC (October 14, 2008) When WE committed to pay ABC network to air our Repower America ad during the September 26 broadcast of 20/20, we could hardly imagine the broadcast giant would turn us down. They routinely run ads from other organizations that also mention energy and climate. (You know those ads - the ones by Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, the coal industry and others.)
more» Did you know:
The cost of a kWh of photovoltaic electricity went from 50 cents in 1995 to 20 cents in 2005, and is projected to reach grid parity in 3-7 years.
About the Challenge
On July 17, Al Gore challenged America to produce 100 percent of our electricity from energy sources with zero carbon emissions - and to do so within 10 years. His speech, and the resulting dialogue, is resetting the way Americans think about our energy future and the climate crisis.
It may also be resetting our understanding of what is possible.
The goal is ambitious, but achievable.
We Can Do This in Ten Years
What Experts Are Saying , including:
Sen. John McCain, Republican presidential nominee: "If the vice president says it's doable, I believe it's doable."
more» What the Press is Saying, including:
Thomas Friedman, New York Times: "When a person is addicted to crack cocaine, his problem is not that the price of crack is going up. His problem is..."
more» What Bloggers are Saying, including:
The Carpetbagger Report : "Gore's pitch is ambitious, but in many ways, practical."
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