Ahaha... Sorry. I drop off the radar sometimes. And by "drop off the radar" I mean "go into lurker Stealth mode".
Anyway, no update for the Doctor WhoxHetalia crossover. Not yet. I should... I should really work on that, shouldn't I?
I do, however, come bearing a brand new fic. One that already has 5 (well, 5 and a half) chapters.
So, without further ado, I present The Tip of the Iceberg.
Characters: Uh, the whole world? Or something like that.
Pairings: Hooboy, it's quite the list. Let's just stick with Denmark/Fem!Norway and Iceland/Fem!Norway. Final pairing will be Ice/Fem!Nor. If you don't like it, then... well. You've got a while.
Rating: M. It's high school, and I'm portraying it as realistically as possible while still making it story-shaped. So yeah, M.
Genre: High School AU? Romance, for sure.
Warnings: LANGUAGE. Genderbending. Language. Denmark and Netherlands being bros. Oh, did I mention language?
(If you'd rather read this on
Fanfiction.Net, please click the link.)
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing that you recognize.
Chapter 1: in which Søren is Bored
“I’m bored,” Søren whined, flopping over onto the couch while glaring the TV, as if it was the main cause of his boredom.
“And what the hell do you want me to do about it?” Lars asked, staring at his Portal 2 walkthrough in frustration.
“I don’t know. Entertain me, or something.”
“Hell no! Call ‘Sia and have her do it.”
“I said I was bored, you ass. Besides, I can’t. Eli threatened to chop my balls off if I ever touched her again.”
“Fucking sucks to be you, then.”
“Shut up, asshole. I don’t see you getting any, either.”
“Yeah, ‘cause I won’t let you watch, dumbass.”
“Oh, really, then? What’s her name?”
“Madeline Williams.”
“… Who the fuck is that?”
“Hipster girl, blonde hair, violet eyes, plays hockey…”
“And, I repeat, who the fuck is that?”
“Jones’ sister.”
“Are you fucking crazy?”
“No, I’m fucking Maddie, you douche.”
“Well, fine. Be that way. I won’t mourn you when you’re dead.”
“Pfff, like Jones could kill me. He’s too busy chasing after Morgan and Anya to even begin focusing on who’s fuckin’ his sister.”
“… Is he suicidal? Even I won’t go near them.”
“Shows your questionable taste, if you ask me. Didn’t you used to have a crush on Morgan?”
“I was six. Fucking drop it already.”
“Yeah, sure. You know what they say, though, you never forget your first love~” Lars teased, moving his player around on the screen.
“If that’s the case, shouldn’t you still be crushing on Anita?” Søren shot back.
Lars hit the pause button and turned around slowly. “I thought you swore never to bring that up again.”
“I don’t remember that…” Søren said teasingly, grinning widely at him.
“Well, I fucking do. Never bring it up again.”
“Pfff, whatever, man. You’re just pissed because she fell for a younger man.”
“I fucking said to drop it, Søren,” Lars hissed through gritted teeth, clenching the controller so hard his knuckles were white.
“Okay, okay, god, don’t get all pissy at me,” Søren halfway apologized. “Anyway, I’m still bored.”
“Not my problem. Call Marion, then, if you’re so desperate.”
“I said I was bored, not horny!”
“Equates to the same thing in your book, doesn’t it?” Lars asked him.
“… Fuck you, man.”
“Taking that as a yes, bro. So call Marion. She’ll… entertain you plenty.”
“I’m not that desperate for a fuck,” Søren scoffed.
“What about Katya? She likes you,” Lars suggested.
“As glorious as her tits are, her siblings both hate my guts. So, thanks, but no thanks. I like my innards the way they are.”
“True. I wouldn’t go up against Anya or Nikolai any day. Speaking of… what about Anya?”
“That crazy bitch? No way. Wouldn’t do her if she paid me.”
“… Then, that Aussie kid. What’s-er-face.”
“Amanda? She’s from New Zealand, for starters. And she’s dating Jake Bruce.”
“Well, I’m out. Unless…”
“Unless what?”
Lars looked at him seriously. “Nora Knutson.”
Nora. Even just hearing her name sent shivers down Søren’s spine. “The Ice Queen? Nuh-uh, no way, man. I like my balls where they are.”
“No, no, hear me out. I’ve heard around school - if you can melt her heart, you win ridiculous cash. I heard it was over $800, or something. People have been betting on it for years. I hear Berwald nearly won, too.”
That alone was enough to make Søren start. “Berwald? Seriously? Before or after he went fag on everybody?”
“Before. Rumour has it that she’s the one that turned him gay.”
“… I need to thank her. She gave me leverage on him for the rest of eternity.”
“Well, maybe you can thank her in your own special way,” Lars suggested, waggling his eyebrows.
“… Yeah, maybe I will,” Søren grinned, laying down on the couch and dreaming up exactly what he’d do with that 800 bucks.
Nora Knutson, prepare to have your heart melted.
So, in case you couldn't figure it out:
Søren Nortung: Denmark
Lars Hijink: Netherlands
'Sia (Prussia Beilschmidt): Fem!Prussia (Her name is actually "Maria", but she hasn't gone by that since she was old enough to have seen "The Sound of Music". So, since she was about 7.) It's pronounced "Shah".
Eli (Héderváry_: Mangary
Madeline Williams: Fem!Canada
Morgan (Kirkland): Igiko
Anya (Anna Braginskaya): Fem!Russia
Anita (Fernandez Carriedo): Fem!Spain
Marion (Bonnefoy): Fem!France (Had to round out the BTT, after all.)
Katya (Yekaterina Braginskaya): Ukraine
Amanda (Thomas): New Zealand
Nora Knutson: Fem!Norway
And that's all! Reviewing is strongly encouraged. and by strongly enouraged I mean I really want them