Here is a back story - because you know there always has to be a back story to these things.
Back in August of 2011, I started a very strange relationship with a person that I met on a website called This person, I quickly deemed, was someone I wanted to get closer to, although it was over the internet. I openly flirted with him, though I sometimes wonder if he knew that I really meant it or not. I figure that it would never amount to anything, so it was mostly playful. There wasn't much banter between the two of us, but there was enough that I could [barely] call us friends.
It wasn't until the summer of 2011 that I truly became involved with him. There was an incident between him and another member of KHV [KH-Vids] that caused me, although it had absolutely nothing to do with me, to get very angry and go as far as to break a mirror, which ended up causing a great pain to my hand. Although this never really amounted to anything either, this is to show the beginning of the crescendo in our relationship. Between this point and the previous January when he first joined the website, we'd gotten into many arguments together, there was a point where I wanted to hate him. Key word: wanted.
For some reason, I couldn't hate this person, no matter how hard I tried to. When we both joined another Kingdom Hearts website,, we started a PM conversation that spanned over many days. In these messages, we told each other a little of ourselves, our doubts, defenses, and he was helping me with some boy issues that I had. I continued to fill him in on these things of my personal life because he said this "But feel free to keep updating me/talking to me about it. I like details most of all.", and so I did.
I was quick to mention to him that didn't just go around, spilling their heart to any normal joe that would listen, and so, he started giving me advice. I then asked him something, and the conversation split in two at this point. I said that I'd never seen him be down on himself, he told me why he was, and so I started helping him too. The conversation was obviously shifting around quickly. I rather enjoyed talking to him, I always [impatiently] waited for him to reply back to me.
Then came the time when I accused him of having a differing opinion of someone we both knew, and he said that he was not very easily impressed when the subject of images of me came up, and I told him "Not when it comes to little ____, you seem very easy to impress." which was true, and in turn he said that the person was a special case, and that he found her more attractive than me. Although I shrugged it off at the time, it really bothered me, I didn't like that he thought that. I was jealous. And then he insulted my glasses.
And this is where the stage moves to Facebook . . .
To be continued in Part II . . .