(no subject)

May 03, 2007 22:05

So, its 10:06 on a Thursday night, right about now I would probably be hanging out with my boo somewhere and going mimi together, not watching Killer Squid on the discovery channel moping and eating comfort food and on the computer. So, I suppose I'm single since this morning and I'm no too keen on the idea, even more since we had nothing to break up about and are now really good friends. How does one let go of someone after so much of your life has been spent around them? I really don't know either.  I guess its time to move on, but if you lived where I do, its kind of hard. The marines and bro's are plentiful, the jocks and "Skin" girls (the female version of a bro) are overflowing with fake tans and 4 inch high sandals. Theres not much to do now since I have my other half missing. I can now work more, ride my newly fixed bike, work, sleep, work for pretty much no tips, probably not hang out, and sleep. Fucking awesome. My home life is terrible and only bearable because of my mom whom I barely see anyway. I have been talking to my future "roomate" and it seems like everything this summer will turn out ok. Things are not certain but she wants to settle in Portland, I'll be living in Seattle for about 2 months until their lease is up and go back to san diego with them for a week or so, stay for my brothers birthday, and come back and settle for permanent living with Ashley.

My options:
June 1st- Seattle living. Find a job. Settle down for 2 months.
August 1st-ish- Come back to san diego with them, stay here for a little, come back up with my roomie and settle down in our nicely furnished home hopefully. or atleast room.


June- go back and forth between states as in go to Portland/ Seattle and California. Stay for my birthday and Bethaney's birthday in Portland/ Seattle, go to geordys would be show on the 7th in Portland or just go to Portland that time to hang out with him. Stay atleast til the end of the month to get money to be homeless in Santa Cruz/San Fransisco and then to Santa Barbara and stay at an awesome place for 2 or so weeks then because ill be so broke just come back home and probably kill myself for staying in north county even for one month. Given that North County/ San Diego is really really really fun during the summer but just the fact that im back would be a purpose to just end it there.


june- portland/seattle, get enough money to get a flight to the east coast
july/ august- east coast running around
then i have no idea. no idea.

those are my hopes/ options. nothing is for certain but they are mainly just plans that i can do. I can pretty much do whichever ones since I already got my ticket to portland and scheduled to land on my birthday then head up to seattle for a new setting.

seriously, anything is better than living here. As long as it isnt north county. I would even be happy to be in SB or SC/ SF! I dont know anymore.
life is hectic.

I heard this little phrase that I always liked , it goes something like " to make the gods laugh, tell him your plans"
and i totally dont want to jinx myself but i made a promise to myself and whatever happens, happens. I have enough friends up the coast that I can live on their couch for a week or so. I dont know, this is confusing. I have an entire month to figure it out, also, i havent made the decisions yet with the future roomie or just companion for the road.
chocolate malted crunch is soo good.
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