Writer's Block: Singles Awareness Day

Feb 16, 2012 19:58

Late reply. Sorry about that.

I think we should go back to celebrating Valentine's Day by jailing/feeding people I don't like to wild animals as a spectator sport. I mean, that's how this all got started, right? It is, actually. We got Valentines Day from the story of Saint Valentine, who married people against the will of the Emperor (Claudius banned marriage because it made men pussies). Those who disobeyed were put to death, e.g. Jailing/ feeding people to wild animals.

Ultimately, if you want to honor the true history of Valentine's Day, you need to celebrate it as a holiday of divine love for all humanity (agape) and not romantic love. The holiday as we know it in a modern sense came into being because Valentine refused to renounce the tenants of his religion, and so in divine faith and love for God, he became a martyr. The holiday also has various pagan roots, including Roman fertility traditions.

Like so many fascinating historical holidays, it really does show a crossroads for humanity and history; you just need to look.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

writer's block

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