
Oct 30, 2007 16:16

Aaaaaaand it's been awhile...

Updating... so roommate? While he seems like a perfectly nice guy is a SLOB. For instance, the bathroom? eeeeeeeewwwwwwww there's hair everywhere, I recognize that some of it is mine, I do shead BUT! The hair in the shower? his, i clean mine out every time i shower, he does not. This hair issue includes the dude's pubes, NOT COOL.

Oh and another bathroom issue? There was this issue, which has since been resolved (I yelled at him), with his inablility to aim. There was pee on the floor. Either sit the f*ck down or mop it up! I'm not your mother and I'm not cool with cleaning up aftery you!

*sigh* so cleanliness has been a big issue lately, Linda (house owner) was at her other house rebuilding the deck for the last 2 months, which ok whatever, BUT this also meant that she wasn't around to clean up after her husband (not saying it's her job 'cause yeah right but if she doesn't who will?) Dear Ernie is kind of clueless when it comes to his own messes and so there is no cleaning up after himself in the kitchen. Which is an issue as I have to use the kitchen to cook. Thank god my dad got me a mini fridge after the food issues last year. I know I sound like a whiner but honestly? Fly stains on the cabinets? crusty food spilt on the floor? PEE on the bathroom floor? and other things that I haven't mentioned... it's not a fun environment to be living in.

In other news, now that the rant is done, I just came home to a box filled with goodies from my parents! :D They're so cute! They sent me all kinds of chocolate for hallowe'en and it's awesome! I can't wait for this weekend, my mom has a conference here in Van so she and my dad are coming over with the car and are totally going to take me to lunch and dinner! FOOD!!! That I don't have to cook! Or pay for! I LOVE my parents :D

My mom and I are also going shopping (poor dad) at Lu Lu Lemon's branch off store, it's basically the exact same stuff without the branding and is half the price! Yay! (oh and geek moment, in 'The Kids are Alright' a few weeks ago on SPN, Ben's mom? was wearing Lu Lu Lemon hehehe)

Ok so yay for actually writing on my lj, I feel special. Also I need a new icon...

life, rant

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