Oct 27, 2010 12:22
So I got pulled over for going 80 in a 55, got at $160 ticket, and I have to get my windshield replaced because it's cracked..... Life sucks
I can't believe that I've gone a week without doing the DAILY meme like I'm supposed to.... Well, let's get seven days knocked out, hmmm?
Day 1 - Your top three favorite characters and why.
Day 2 - Your top three favorite spells.
Day 3 - The House you’d be sorted into?
Day 4 - Your favourite class at Hogwarts.
Day 5 - What would your Patronus looks like?
Day 6 - I know you love them all, but list all of the books in order from favourite to least favourite.
Day 7 - One of your favourite quotes.
Day 8 - Favourite chapter from your favourite book.
Day 9 - Your top 3 favourite scenes from the series.
Day 10 - Is there a character you didn’t like in the books, but loved in the movies or vice-versa?
Day 11 -Your least favourite character.
Day 12 - Your favourite villain and why.
Day 13 - If you could date one character who would it be?
Day 14 - If you could work at any place in Diagon Alley which would it be?
Day 15 - Your favourite professor at Hogwarts.
Day 16 - Your favourite magical creature.
Day 17 - What would a Boggart turn into in front of you?
Day 18 - Which book have you read the most?
Day 19 - To you, Amortentia would smell like…?
Day 20 - A song that reminds you of a certain character or scene.
Day 21 - Your best friends ate Hogwarts would be…? (3 only!)
Day 22 - A character that you are most like.
Day 23 - If you were a Quidditch player, what position would you play?
Day 24 - A job you’d like to have after attending Hogwarts.
Day 25 - Fanfiction--yes or no?
Day 26 - Your favourite ship.
Day 27 - Your favourite film.
Day 28 - Your favourite actor/actress in the films.
Day 29 - Do you prefer the books or the movies?
Day 30 - Has Harry Potter had an effect on you or made you see things differently?
Day 9 - Your top 3 favourite scenes from the series.
I'm going to assume it's supposed to be from the book, so here we go.
1) The Chamber of Secrets when Tom reveles who he is.
2) When the twins flew out of the school in the OtP
3) It should be when Voldie was finally defeated, because it was finally over, but for some reason I like it when Molly Weasly called Bellatrix Lestrange a BITCH, capital letters. It was completely unecessary, but oh, well.
Day 10 - Is there a character you didn’t like in the books, but loved in the movies or vice-versa?
I didn't like the Lockhart of the books, but I like Kenneth Branagh, so I liked Lochart in the movieXD On the other hand, I kinda liked Ginny in the books, not so much in them movies.
Day 11 -Your least favourite character.
Probably.... Fudge, or Dumbledore.... I haven't decided yet, although Percy is in the running.
Day 12 - Your favourite villain and why.
If Draco is considered a villian and not a poncy prat, then Draco obviously! If not, then if Tom Riddle (not Voldie) is a villian, him. IF NOT, then Barty Crouch the younger, masquerading as Moody.
Day 13 - If you could date one character who would it be?
.......? DRACO!!! lol, actually, I might go with Tom, because he doesn't seem like he's as big a wimp as Draco.
Day 14 - If you could work at any place in Diagon Alley which would it be?
Weasly's Wizard Wheezes, because the twins are awesome and it would be fun.
Day 15 - Your favourite professor at Hogwarts.
SnapeXD What can I say? I dig the Slytherins (plus Alan Rickman made me like Snape more. I love his voice!!)
slytherins are sexy,
cops suck,
harry potter meme,
harry potter