On my way home....

Nov 03, 2005 12:05

Well, not really "on my way..." but I'm finishing up things here. I'm really busy, but it's a great feeling to be doing things for the last time.

Volunteers are coming into Windhoek fairly regularly now as they have exit interviews and medical examinations. Last night some volunteers got together for a nice potluck dinner.

Here is an excerpt (not from me):

When I first got to the village my neighbors told me, "We need to set you up with a woman." The hesitant volunteer replied only that he was not ready for a relationship. "No, not a relationship. I said a woman!" A little worried by the Namibian, the volunteer explained that he wasn't in a financial situation and didn't want to spend the time getting a girl. Confused by the volunteer's response, the Namibian answered, "What? You don't have eight dollars?"

-You have to love the 'special' people you meet in Namibia.

The new group is coming in soon. Thanks to google, the Peace Corps and new volunteers have read this thing. Knowing that I can get kicked out of the country, I've tried to keep this blog fairly clean and kept most of the negativity out of it.

In case you were wondering

Namibia's ET rate (quitting rate) is higher than the international average.
My group started with 46.... now: 29!
Two were medically separated, the rest quit.

We have three engagements in our group. One is between two volunteers, the other between a volunteer and her fiance. Another girl quit during training to go home to her boyfriend.


Waldo is my Peace Corps APCD - Associate Peace Corps Director (my boss). He's a great guy and has earned the respect of all the volunteers in my group. Even the cynical ones like him. He has his little quirks, one of which is his lightning fast speech. He's so fast the Americans have to tell him to slow down. I can't say that I have any really funny stories with Waldo. All I can say is that I (along with many other volunteers) are happy to have him as our boss. Part of our group present to him was a "Where's Waldo?" book sent from America.
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