Oct 22, 2004 01:36
My GPA is going down the drain and I'm not sure I want to try and catch it. It's kinda like watching your blood after cut yourself, you know you should do something to stop it, but there's really nothing you feel you can do, at least not without staining your clothes or throwing up all over yourself. I thought that college would be different. That the professors would actually care about our learning about something in order to be knowledgeable and skilled people. Because isn't that important? If that isn't what is?
But I was mistaken because professors are still here to help us earn a certain GPA, which is even more useless than the GPA we were trying to earn in high school. Yes, I guess it could be argued that it is useful for those of us planning on going to graduate school. Is that where the real learning is supposed to begin? Because if not I might as well drop out and stop wasting my parents money. I learn more hanging out with people I've met than sitting in a classroom being talked at for an hour, or more.
Boys can be so confusing. It's so hard to say what you want, because they let you know when what you want is going to drive them away. It's such an idiotic torture.
me: Are you there? (Why aren't you here?)
him: Yeah, hey. what's up?
me: oh I was just wondering what you were doing tomorrow? (I wanna see you, it's been forever since we hung out.)
him: blah blah blah other than that nothing. why?
me: oh I just wanted to watch 21 grams. if you're busy i'll watch it by myself. (you have it. and you said you'd watch it with me)
him: well i'll tell you tomorrow.
me: k no big deal. (big deal. i miss you.)
him: well i've got to hit the hay.
me: k have a good night. (k don't you miss me too)
him: good night
Stupid boys who don't want to handle their feelings. Stupid girls who let themselves be controlled by their feelings, and the feelings of others.