(no subject)

Jan 11, 2006 18:04

The new year, calls for New...stuff.

SO.. here we go.

Umm im unemployed as of this moment, apparently.... ok here is the summarized whole story for all of you.

As you know i worked at the Post Office in White River for Xmas. i was there til the 26th, the manager of tour 1, which i was on said i was going to be kept on after the holidays, but on a different shift. I talked to a supervisor on that shift and we physically looked at the schedule, to see my name and that i was working on the 1st at 3:30. On the first at 3:30 i show up. Im not on the schedule. They say 'uuuuh we dont know' I call the lady they tell me to call. she is on vaca for a week. Week passes.....turns out, the supervisors gave a list of people they wanted to keep. a long list. the list of available positions, much shorter than the list of names given. I get screwed.

so...no more PO in WRJ.

today i went out and applied at Timken AeroSpace. I also applied to the leb Airport to be a Transportation Security Officer..and i went to unemployment, got my name on some lists. so we will see what happens.

Cewdom is insane. and teething. he has lost 3 teeth that we have found so far. He is getting better when it comes to dumping in the house, and unless he really has to go....doesnt do piss in here anymore. He jumps on everything and is a general terror, and that makes him the best dog ever.

As for me. I dont know whats up with me. Im lazy, i need a job, i sleep a lot, and by a lot i mean i take naps during the day....possibly due to boredom but whatever.

I picked up the new Scary Kids Scaring Kids album today. It's pretty good. ask me on AIM for it...you can take it, i dont care.

Also, i think im getting to the point where my parents have had enough of me. I used to have a place to go, and really should have jumped through the window while it was still open cuz, apparently it looks like the storm windows have been put up on my escape plan. Well...my worth it escape plan. Again...we will see. lots of stuff in the works upstairs in my mind right now.

Music Quote of the moment "I'd give you everything , if there was something left."

Randomly found quote of the moment. "My Pen Is Huge"

Question: You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night. You pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for the bus:

1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.
2. An old friend who once saved your life.
3. The perfect man (or) woman you have been dreaming about.

Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing that there could only be one passenger in your car.

And Random saying by me: "awww sweet! the Alamo!"
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