Nov 16, 2008 00:22
I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the new Bond movie is horrible, quite likely the worst Bond I've ever seen.
The first thing that was off was the camerawork. Pretty much in every action scene I had no idea what was happening, who was fighting who, who was winning, etc. This was due to the very brief amount of time spent at each camera angle and the fact that the cameras were all moving. I believe this is the same technique they used in the Transformers battle scenes, and they do it because they claim it adds 'realism' and makes it feel 'like you're there'. Which is nonsense.
So, right from the opening action scene, which was a relatively unremarkable car chase in which it took a few minutes to determine who was even chasing who, the movie was off to a bad start.
Next came the opening number, which I had heard was supposedly a 'duet', by Jack White and Alicia Keys. I expect better of Alicia Keys, although I think a lot of the reason I had no idea what she singing was due to having the instruments too loud in the mix. Either way, even taking into account bad mixing, it wasn't up to snuff as a Bond title song.
Finally, the plot was vague and very loose. There was little emotional connection to anything. He just went around doing stuff, and then the movie was over. There were some explosions and some secret machinations that were never fully explained, though it seemed to leave things open for the next movie (which will hopefully be better). Also, I'm now more confused about the events at the end of Casino Royale than I was at the end of that movie.
So, overall, the new Bond movie was horrible, and I hope they manage to get their mojo back for the next one.