Curse you Finnegan, curse youuuuuuuu

Sep 16, 2010 04:43

I'm about to be in one of my ruts I think. I don't see anything good happening in the next couple of months. It's possible I'll get a job then but even if I do it'll just be some job I don't want. I didn't even use to care about that, but now that I know there's a career out there I want it matters. It's one of the only two things I guess that does matter, and seeing as those two things are my driving force and they're both basically vast, empty voids right now it makes sense it'll put me back in a rut.

At least I'll post more right?

And this is why I need a dog. Right now, I think short of some kind of crazy miracle the only thing that would do anything for me would be a dog. Instead, I'm going to become familiar with the ceiling in my room while my mind runs wild since I can't be productive and I know I'd be wasting my leisure time.

For all the "it's ok things will look up" they haven't seemed to in a long time. Every time I kind of feel like maybe I'm just dumb and things really are kind of getting better it turns out they're not they're just kind of pretending to. Hooray mediocrity. Thanks life, I know I'm pretty bad at you, but you're not a very fun game to play, to be fair.

Whatever. It's ok, things will look up, right?
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