(no subject)

Oct 15, 2019 02:56

[Character Name] Crona
[Canon] Soul Eater
[Point Taken from Canon] Manga Chapter 32; canon information similar to the end of Anime Episode 31.

[Age] Anywhere from 13-15, it's hard to tell and never mentioned.
[Gender] CAN OF WORMS. Canonically, Crona is never given a gender. I personally view the character as female, but will be playing them with use of gender-neutral pronouns (by which I mean I will forego pronouns altogether for the most part, using "I" and "we" in brackets/prose because "hir" and "ze" are not actual words and to me sound very silly).
[Sexual Orientation] Asexual.

[Eye Color] Varying from indigo to a weird sort of ice blue. They change for no real reason.
[Hair Color] PURPLE. Lilac, specifically. It's Not Pink.
[Height] Uh. Tall-ish for a young teenager?
[Other] Ragnarok. He will be used infrequently in game-play, but can and will periodically appear in the form of either an almost-cute puppet-like creature protruding from the base of Crona's neck or their upper spine, or in the form of a narrow black and white rapier-type sword. He is always black and white, he has weird little x-shaped pupils, and a giant x-shaped ...thing on his face. He's freakin' weird looking, here have a picture.
[Clothing] ...Okay so the kid wears a dress. It could also be called a "robe", but... really, it's a dress. It's narrow and form-fitting, long-sleeved with weird decorative cuffs and a tall mandarin-style collar with black buttons. Flat-soled boots also in black with white cuff-things, also black buttons here, even if it's just black and white this kid is freakishly coordinated why does everyone in this show wear long sleeves and black, they're in freaking Nevada.


Link to Soul Eater wikia; please ignore the fact that they say Crona's hair is pink. It's really not. Also see this post; I summarized canon up to the point Crona is taken from in the Island application. Shoddily, but it's there.


Crona is never given a specific gender. In fact, Atsushi Okubo, the creator of Soul Eater, seems to take great joy in keeping the kid's gender ambiguous and cockblocking those of us who are curious for characterization as opposed to whether or not the kid has a wang. But that's beside the point.

Crona is attributed most strongly by their extremely introverted nature. The first time they are introduced in canon, they are referred to as "an introverted meister with a bullying weapon", and it holds true. Crona is timid and shy, and more often than not terrified of 98% of all they ever encounter in life, while Ragnarok is crude and unkind, delighting in bullying Crona to get what he wants.

More importantly, Crona is... awkward. They almost always speak quietly, using a gender-neutral pronoun (boku, which while is generally associated as being a male pronoun, is also often used by boyish girls and therefore is more or less neutral), and have a tendency to stutter and stumble over their own words. Given this, Crona tends to prefer not to talk, and usually requires a decent amount of spurring on to do so more than in monosyllabic sounds or single-word statements.

Crona also has this... delightful little creature called Ragnarok attached to them at all times. He is, in essence, Crona's blood given sentience. He is also Crona's weapon, and oft times appears in the form of a black and white sword (with occasional freaky Rocky Horror lips). Crona and Ragnarok combined are sort of nothing more than an enormous, drawn-out experiment by the part of Crona's mother, the Witch Medusa. She desired to create the ultimate form of Meister and Weapon, so she chose to combine them for both that and the cause of creating a kishin (translated usually as "Demon God", though the kanji translates most literally to "fierce God". idefk. They're sources of great evil and horrible and tend to cause widespread insanity).

Due to the fact that Crona is nothing more than a walking experiment to their mother, the kid is kind of extremely lacking in social skills and the ability to function in any sense of normalcy. As a child, Crona was forced to kill small animals (it was a rabbit in the manga, for some reason they made it a tiny dragon in the anime. This reason still confuses me) and was punished severely if they did not do as they were told. So despite being maybe three or four years old at the time, Crona eventually had no choice but to obey. Because of this, they are naturally inclined to do what they are told, though still have a tendency to fidget and whine if it's something they're not certain of how to accomplish.

Crona is also rather extremely oblivious to their own tragic situation, thinking it was quite normal to be treated as they were prior to meeting Maka. Problem there being that Crona's brains somewhat resemble scrambled eggs on a good day-- with nothing else to compare life to, they assumed that all mothers demanded their children kill rabbits and other small animals, and all mothers threw their children in dark rooms with bullying bloodpuppets for days on end without food or water when disobedient, and that all mothers threw away their children when they were no longer useful. Because why would you keep something that wasn't useful? This results in an unstable but not-quite-emo kid with more issues than hair. Seriously, the kid has no idea that the crap they've been through is actually something that would cause most modern teenagers to wear too much eye makeup and cut their wrists with x-acto knives the wrong direction.

Considering the black blood, Crona is also quite certifiably insane. Due to Maka's overall purification of Crona's soul and thus, the black blood, Crona is awkward at best on most days, but without Maka's calm-inducing presence as a constant in their life, Crona is liable to slowly ebb back into a less sanely composed mental structure, as proved by more recent manga developments.

Crona is entirely unaccustomed to life as a normal child should experience it, and therefore when presented with just about anything is very easily overwhelmed. Most people pass them by because they have a tendency to freak out over little things and do strange things like talk to themselves or hide and name corners of rooms. Normal situations like being given choices or having their opinion requested completely baffle Crona, as they have spent the entirety of their lives up until their second battle with Maka being scolded and locked away for such things. Crona is also extremely timid and jumpy, afraid of more than they enjoy and verily easily frightened. In battle, Crona is relatively uncoordinated and awkward, being very tall and thin and extremely lacking in muscle mass (Ragnarok being a sentient form of their blood results in him having the remote ability to essentially work as muscle that doesn't actually exist in Crona's body). Crona has also expressed a great dislike for creepy things, bright lights, and loud noises. They also move rather slowly-- their posture is crap and they almost always have one arm pinned to their side by the other, resulting in an awkward and uncertain manner of step that vaguely resembles a kimonowalk (though that could be blamed on the dressthing they wear).


Singularly, Crona has very few strengths of their own, beyond a blind obedience and an overall timidly sweet disposition. Given Ragnarok is constantly attached to them and thus always a factor, Crona has a wide array of semi-Godmod-like abilities. For starters, Crona is entirely impervious to bladed attacks. Things may cut their skin, but directly beneath, the black blood and Ragnarok both have the ability to harden to a lead or iron-like consistency, making them virtually impenetrable. Crona can control this, and often does, but it is in fact Ragnarok that has the ability, and not Crona themselves. Crona is also never completely defenseless; with Ragnarok being a sentient part of their blood, they always have the ability to conjure a sword.

[Affection] Additional can of worms. Crona is really bad at people in general, so affection is kind of an awkward thing? Don't be fooled, the kid likes it, just... doesn't know how to react to it or initiate it or ask for it. Maka gives awesome hugs though, guys. Except that's from later in Anime Crack Land so Crona doesn't know that. Haha.

[Fighting] Okay this is actually important! Crona is completely impervious to bladed attacks by virtue of the Black Blood. Ragnarok has this nifty ability where he can harden Crona's blood, so punching them is like punching iron, you can cut their skin but as soon as you hit blood your weapon will stop, and by the way they can totally throw their blood at you in the form of little crescent blades and needles. ...I recommend being friends with this one, not enemies. >_>;

[Other Permissions] I'm pretty open to whatever, but please message me before you assume something is okay. :> I don't bite, really I don't.

[Other Facts] Completely randomly, but Crona may or may not totally go commando. :| It's likely just an additional gender cockblock by way of Okubo, but Ragnarok's pervy tendencies to pull up Crona's dress made it certainly look like the kid wears no underwear. ...idk I lol'd.

somarium, profile meme

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