Feb 17, 2005 00:19
as i would tell the gas guy that comes to my work, i am alone with my
tv. heh... i told him that once, that i was going home to my couch and
tv. so now when ever he sees me he asked me how my tv is. hes a cool
guy. after reading julies post i feel like writing my own. i probably
would have posted while i was in MS but Roberts internet didnt start
working til monday night, the night before i left. so heres what
happened. i fly to memphis, my flight was late so Robert had to wait
for me. he didnt seem mad. he called me right when i got off the plane
and i had to pee soo soo fucking back i told him that i had to pee and
i would be there in a few minutes. he just laughed at me. so after i
pee-ed i walked to the fucking OTHER END of the airport. heh i thought
i would never get there. but i get to where i need to go and Robert is
actually inside waiting for me. i didnt think he was but he parked and
met me inside. it was so nice. so we hugged and did kisses and
everything. he even carried me stuff. heh hes just like that. then we
got lost on the way home from memphis. which apparenly Robert is really
good at. we go to his apartment, which is the biggest fucking apartment
i have ever seen. im so jealous. its like my apartment times 20. after
that we went to Logans because we were hungry and he gets free food.
and i think he wanted to show me off. haha which he did, and everyone
knew who i was. it was really strange. but they have really awesome
food. The bartender thinks im a trainee and get super pissed at Robert
and is a total bitch to me and Robert goes and whispers in her ear who
i am and she comes and give me a big hug and said she was so sorry. hah
it was really fucking funny. Then he took me to Tupelo Buffelo Park and
Zoo. which fucking rocked. we went on this bus with monster truck tires
and we drove around the park with out guide and we went tinto this pen
in the middle of the place. we were inside of it and there were troffs
all around and the buffalo and water buffalo and texas long horns and
donkeys and all sorts of shit (even a beefalo!!) came and ate right
next to us. it was insane! and then we went into the petting zoo which
was a bit odd but they had a ball python and robert looked at it and
said i cant have one because it freaked him out really bad. heh
the rest of the week he had to work. one of the nights i got really
salty that he was coming home late that he went to walmart after work
and bought be a rose and a stuffed pink snake and woke me up and he had
the flower on my chest. it was really sweet. he had turned the lights
on and i couldnt see for like 2 minutes hehe. all he said was, its not
Tulips but its something. it was really pretty and it smelled so good.
and he remembered that i like Tulips the most hehe. and then he sets
this huge balloon thing on my lap and i look inside and there is a big
pink snake inside. and he said that that was the closest i will get to
have a snake hehehe. and then we open it up and there are chocolates in
the bottom. way cool. it was super sweet too. the rest of the week we
just kinda hung out. we went over to his friend Brandons house, who
needs to clean, and it was ok. we both decided that Mike will not be
living with us because we dont want him to because hes relaly kinda
annoying. on Sunday we had out valentines day. he took me to Olive
Garden which was awesome!! food was perfect. we didnt have to wait for
a table either. and the waitress was hitting on me the whole time until
she noticed Robert was paying. then i didnt get any attention. Then
Robert took me to Phantom of the Opera. which was awesome the second
time ive seen it. and he loved it too which i am really happy about.
Then that night we met up with Mike and Dirty and went to Graceland
Too! which was frighting. im not even going to explain it because you
have to go to actually witness this shit. INSANE! then we got home at
like 5am and went straight to bed. we were tired as fuck and Robert had
to work at 10am. then that morning Robert got a call from his stepdad
saying his mom was in the hospital, she
had a stroke. So robert took off work and we went to the hospital, i
stayed in the waiting area and he went in and came out maybe 15 minutes
later and he was very upset. after that we calmed down and went to his
moms house and i saw Tuff. very very cool dog. we decided a lot of his
troubles are from having Sugar gone and not having a stable home yet.
hes stable home will come when we get our house here and we are going
to get a new puppy. Then we went to Sonic (which we dont have in MN..
fucking rocks) and then to the Skatepark because it was a super nice
day. that was fun. i love watching Robert skateboard. after that he
found out that his mom only had a prestroke. Which she is doing much
better now. thank goodness. So After the skate Park we went to meet his
Dad, which was cool. they have this insanly fat poodle. its scary. and
his dad fucking gives Robert $100 to take me out. hehe so we went to
this nice resturant and i got drunk and then we went bowling. funny
stuff that is. Aparently i was singing to every song (which i hate
singing infront of peopel) and every time i threw a ball i would come
back and make a face. hahaha. there is a ton more stuff like sex and
stuff but ill not go into that. in strange thing about southern people,
they tell you your really pretty a lot.. its weird. but Randy likes me
so its good. heheh.