I got tagged a looong time ago by
hitomipyon and I promised I'd do it... No subbing today, sorry, I promise I'll submit a big batch after my tests end. By the way they start on monday and end on the 22th of may =3 So I need to work hard for some more time >.<
a. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
b. Tag eight people.
1. Where did your LJ handle come from?
Actually I first used it for deviantart when I learnt that my previos nick, Hatsu was taken already @.@ So I'm usually either Nameni or Hatsu now. Nameni doesn't mean anything in all the languages I know, but I think it does mean something in some language. Any idea anyone? When I first created it it was just a random word i thought of.
2. How do you style your hair?
Hair is a big part of my life on the page 'problems'. It's naturally really curly and I have real problems with styling it xD But somehow I started to accept it and we're not enemys anymore @.@ It's quite short too.
3. What was the last text message you sent and to whom did you send it?
Just a simple 'Thank you' to my friend for telling me what room we are writing out exams in.
4. What was your last dream about?
Um... I was on a concert and first Tsubasa came flying to me (like wth? @.@) and at first he wasn't looking at me. Then he turned around and we shaked hands. Sometime later Ryo came flying (double wth?) and he kind of did the same thing. Or something like that ^^ Why on earth did I have a dream like that? @.@
5. Do you need music to study/write?
No T.T I can only concentrate on one thing at the same time. When I listen to music I usually end up singing and when I do it learning becomes impossible XD
6. What is the last song on your playlist?
Arashi - Do my best . I set my ipod to random and kind of fell asleep. This is the song I woke up to ^^
7. Which artists’ songs do you like singing the best/happen to sing the most often? XD
Well... Yuzu (duh'), Ayaka, Otsuka Ai, RSP, Utada Hikaru sometimes Smap and alot of random artists I just feel like singing. Lately I sang 'Fantastipo' alot. But I usually sing along to every music I hear >.<
8. Do you have a crush at the moment?
I don't.
9. What is your favorite movie genre?
I don't like any specific genres. I think whether I like a film or not depends on whether I like the story and characters or not. =3 But probably everyone is the same, no?
10. What was the last thing you ate today?
Some bread~
11. What is your favorite color?
Black and lately red =3
12. What websites do you visit daily?
Onet mail, lj, j-pop.cn, Japanese embassy's in Poland webpage @.@ and others
13. What's your favorite food? I feel like changing theis question, so~
13. What's the first thing you do when you come back home?
Hmm... I trip over the cat's usually xD
14. Which languages do you wish you spoke?
Japanese of course ^^ But I actually wish I could speak all the languages possible... French and german for exaple would be cool @.@
15. What is your favourite drink?
Apple juice. I think I'm addicted since I drink if since I was born on a daily basis @.@
16. Do you have a birthmark?
17. What is the newest CD/DVD you just bought recently?
Yuzu - Shishi Kababu
18. Where would you like your next holiday to be?
It's obvious but I hope I could go to Japan.
19. What do you do to fall asleep?.
Lately I started to fall asleep while listening to music. Though it's not a good idea since waking up almost choked to death by headphones might me a bit uncomfortable.
20. Tell me something you love about the person who tagged you.
Hitomi is a really open person and it's great talking to her and exchanging opinions about music, dramas and all other weird things we've been talking about ;P
I tag everyone who watches this lj because I'd love to learn something about the people who download my subs =3 So please tell me when you did it ^^